Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Decree
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
President of the Philippines
Overall Summary: 
A Presidential Decree establishing basic policies for the electric power industry. NPC: National Power Corporation.
Energy access priorities: 
[...] one of the primary concerns of the government in promoting the economic welfare of the people is to hasten electrification of the entire country, more particularly the rural areas.
Energy access action plan: 
The attainment of total electrification on an area coverage basis, which is declared policy of the State, shall be effected primarily through: a) The setting up of island grids with central/linked-up generation facilities. b) The setting up of cooperatives fro distribution of power.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The attainment of total electrification on an area coverage basis, which is declared policy of the State, shall be effected primarily through: a) The setting up of island grids with central/linked-up generation facilities.
Independent power producers: 
Within the area embraced by a grid set up by the NPC, the State shall determine privately-owned generating facilities which should be permitted to remain in operation.
National policy structure: 
[...] one of the primary concerns of the government in promoting the economic welfare of the people is to hasten electrification of the entire country, more particularly the rural areas. [...] It is necessary to establish basic policies for the attainment of said objective.
Energy institutional structures: 
The setting up of transmission line grids and the construction of associated generation facilities in Luzon, Mindanao and major islands of the country, including the Visayas, shall be the responsibility of the National Power Corporation (NPC) as the authorized implementing agency of the State.