Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Plan/Strategy, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower
Issued by: 
The Prime Minister of Government
Overall Summary: 
This Decision was made in 2007 and approves Vietnam's national energy development Strategy up to 2020, with 2050 vision.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy.
Energy access priorities: 
To rationally distribute the energy system across regions and areas; to balance exploration, exploitation and processing stages.---[T]o ensure adequate supply of electricity for national socio-economic development.---To boost the development of new and renewable energies, bio-energy and nuclear power in order to meet the requirements of socio-economic development, especially in deep-lying, remote and border areas and offshore islands.
Energy access action plan: 
To carry out communication on the use of new and renewable energy sources in deep-lying, remote and mountainous areas and islands. To formulate a managerial mechanism for maintaining and developing electricity sources in these areas.---To integrate the use of new and renewable energies into[...]other national target programs such as those on rural electrification [...].---To subsidize electricity activities in remote and deep-lying areas.
Energy access targets: 
To strive to supply adequate energy for socio-economic development, including about 47.5 - 49.5 million TOE (ton of oil equivalent) of primary energy by 2010, about 100 - 110 million TOE by 2020, 110 - 120 million TOE by 2025 and 310-320 million TOE by 2050.--- To develop electricity sources and grids, to meet electricity demands for socio-economic development, by 2010, the supply reliability of electricity sources will reach 99.7%; and electricity grids will reach n-1 standard.--- To complete the program on rural and mountainous energy. To increase the rate of rural households using commercial energy for cooking to 50% by 2010 and 80% by 2020. By 2010, 95% of rural households will be supplied with electricity and by 2020, almost all rural households will be supplied with electricity.
Clean cooking solutions: 
To increase the rate of rural households using commercial energy for cooking to 50% by 2010 and 80% by 2020.
Consumer subsidies: 
To subsidize electricity activities in remote and deep-lying areas.
EE priorities: 
To quickly and sustainably develop energy in close association with the national socio-economic development strategy, in parallel with diversifying energy sources and applying energy-saving technologies, which is considered a key task throughout the process of national industrialization and modernization.---To apply achievements of the knowledge-based economy in order to raise energy trading efficiency. To attach importance to investment in energy conservation so as to reduce the wastage.---To accelerate the application of energy-saving solutions.---To integrate the use of new and renewable energies into the energy conservation program [...]
EE action plans: 
The policy on encouraging the economical and efficient use of energy must identify specific conservation requirements on sectors which consume a large volume of energy; ---[T]o enhance coordination between authorities, the Fatherland Front and mass associations in encouraging people to use energy in an economical and efficient manner while ensuring environmental protection.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[...] paying attention to the development of clean energies and prioritizing the development of new and renewable energies.
RE targets: 
To strive to increase the proportion of new and renewable energies to about 3% of the total amount of commercial primary energy by 2010; about 5% by 2020 and 11% by 2050.
RE action plans: 
To carry out communication, research, trial production and expansion of new and renewable energies nationwide.---To integrate the use of new and renewable energies into the energy conservation program and other national target programs such as those on rural electrification, afforestation, hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, clean water, integrated fish pond-livestock pen-home garden model, etc---To encourage enterprises to build in places where conditions permit appropriate establishments for manufacturing, assembling and repairing equipment and facilities fuelled by new energy such as water boilers, small-sized hydropower equipment, wind-operated engines and biogas digesters. ---To concentrate efforts on training and raising professional qualifications of managers, technicians and skilled workers;[...]especially the sub-sectors of new and renewable energy, bio-energy, [...].
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
[T]o offer tax incentives for the import of equipment and new technologies and the manufacture and distribution of equipment;--- [T]o study the establishment of an energy development fund to provide support for investment in the development of new and renewable energies and the implementation of public-utility projects.---To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
To carry out communication on the use of new and renewable energy sources in deep-lying, remote and mountainous areas and islands.
Energy environmental priorities: 
To develop energy in close association with preserving the ecological environment, ensuring sustainable energy development.---To formulate long-term environmental objectives and standards in conformity with regional and world environmental standards and the country's economic conditions. ---To control and mitigate environmental pollution in energy-related activities.--- To develop coal industry in close association with [...] protection of biological environment.---[T]o enhance coordination between authorities, the Fatherland Front and mass associations in encouraging people to use energy in an economical and efficient manner while ensuring environmental protection.
Pollution level targets, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx: 
by 2015, all energy facilities will reach environmental standards.
Energy-water nexus: 
To integrate the use of new and renewable energies into t[...]other national target programs such as clean water, integrated fish pond-livestock [...] etc.
Cooperation in env.: 
[T]o enhance coordination between authorities, the Fatherland Front and mass associations in encouraging people to use energy in an economical and efficient manner while ensuring environmental protection.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
To accelerate the abolition of subsidization and monopoly, striving to put an end to the pursuit of social policies through energy prices.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
[T]o offer tax incentives for the import of equipment and new technologies and the manufacture and distribution of equipment;--- [T]o study the establishment of an energy development fund to provide support for investment in the development of new and renewable energies and the implementation of public-utility projects.---To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy.
Energy taxation: 
Energy prices should be determined under the market mechanism. The State shall regulate energy prices through tax policies and other management tools.
Energy pricing: 
Energy prices should be determined under the market mechanism. The State shall regulate energy prices through tax policies and other management tools.---To accelerate the abolition of subsidization and monopoly, striving to put an end to the pursuit of social policies through energy prices.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy mix: 
To quickly and sustainably develop energy in close association with the national socio­economic development strategy, in parallel with diversifying energy sources and applying energy­saving technologies, which is considered a key task throughout the process of national industrialization and modernization. --- To synchronously and rationally develop the system of electricity, petroleum, coal, and new and renewable energies, paying attention to the development of clean energies and prioritizing the development of new and renewable energies.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
To develop electricity sources and grids, to meet electricity demands for socio-economic development [...].---To develop oil refineries, step by step satisfy domestic demands for oil products, and increase the total capacity of oil refineries to 25-30 million tons of crude oil by 2020.---To raise the level of national strategic petrol and oil reserves to the equivalent of 45 days of average consumption by 2010, 60 days by 2020 and 90 days by 2025.---To encourage enterprises to build in places where conditions permit appropriate establishments for manufacturing, assembling and repairing equipment and facilities fuelled by new energy such as water boilers, small-sized hydropower equipment, wind-operated engines and biogas digesters. ---To encourage and provide incentives for investors who invest in the exploration and exploitation of gas fields, especially those with limited reserves.
Regional integration priorities: 
To intensify international cooperation in the energy domain. To strive to connect to the regional electricity grids (of a voltage of up to 500 kV) in 2010-2015, and to connect to the regional natural gas system in 2015-2020.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
To develop national energy in line with the trend of international integration, efficiently use domestic resources and rationally exploit and use foreign resources, establish national energy security in the open conditions, effectively enter into regional and global cooperation combined with firmly preserving national security and developing an independent and self­reliant economy.---To further boost international cooperation in the energy domain; to prioritize cooperation with neighboring countries (Laos, Cambodia and China); to efficiently use energy sources exploited from foreign countries.
Energy trade priorities: 
[...] effectively enter into regional and global cooperation combined with firmly preserving national security and developing an independent and self-reliant economy.---To expand cooperation with other countries in the region and world in conducting overseas survey, exploration and exploitation of coal, petroleum and other forms of energy so as to make up for deficient amounts in the country.---To further boost international cooperation in the energy domain; to prioritize cooperation with neighboring countries (Laos, Cambodia and China); to efficiently use energy sources exploited from foreign countries.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
[T]o offer tax incentives for the import of equipment and new technologies and the manufacture and distribution of equipment; to protect copyright of authors of valuable inventions and technical renovations.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[T]o diversify forms of investment and business in the energy domain.---To diversify forms of investment in the development of electricity sources and distribution networks.---To mobilize funding sources to survey and evaluate coal reserves in the Red River delta and study the exploitability.---To diversify the forms of investment and cooperation in the construction of gas-fired power plants for sale of electricity to the national grids.--- Policy on investment in the development of new and renewable energy sources, bio-energy and nuclear power:To prioritize the development of new energy, renewable energy, bio-energy and nuclear power.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
To subsidize electricity activities in remote and deep-lying areas.---To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy.---To encourage and provide incentives for investors who invest in the exploration and exploitation of gas fields, especially those with limited reserves.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
[T]o offer tax incentives for the import of equipment and new technologies and the manufacture and distribution of equipment; to protect copyright of authors of valuable inventions and technical renovations.
Electricity wholesale markets: 
To step by step form and develop an electricity market in Vietnam.---To strongly switch the operation of the electricity, coal and petroleum industries after the competitive market mechanism regulated by the State. To form a competitive electricity retail market in the post-2022 period; to form coal and petroleum trading markets in the period from now to 2015.---To allow domestic and foreign individuals and economic organizations to coordinate with one another in making investment in the exploitation of new and renewable energy sources on the basis of mutual benefits.
Investment climate development: 
To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy.---To publicize a list of investment projects on electricity generation and distribution calling for domestic and foreign economic sectors to invest in.---To adopt policies to encourage foreign investors to apply high technologies in exploiting oil and gas fields with limited reserves.---To encourage foreign investors to participate in joint ventures contributing capital to building oil refineries and petrochemical plants and allow them to participate in the product distribution market with a certain market share. ---To attract petroleum product-trading companies to enter into joint ventures developing oil refineries so as to link production with consumption and regulate profits between production and business activities. ---To further boost international cooperation in the energy domain; to prioritize cooperation with neighboring countries (Laos, Cambodia and China); to efficiently use energy sources exploited from foreign countries.
Public Private Partnerships: 
To develop the electricity industry in the direction of diversifying ownership forms. The Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) shall assume the prime responsibility for developing electricity sources and national transmission systems. ---To attract petroleum product-trading companies to enter into joint ventures developing oil refineries so as to link production with consumption and regulate profits between production and business activities.
Energy management principles: 
To quickly and sustainably develop energy in close association with the national socio-economic development strategy, in parallel with diversifying energy sources and applying energy-saving technologies, which is considered a key task throughout the process of national industrialization and modernization.---To develop national energy in line with the trend of international integration, efficiently use domestic resources and rationally exploit and use foreign resources, establish national energy security in the open conditions, effectively enter into regional and global cooperation combined with firmly preserving national security and developing an independent and self-reliant economy.---To step by step develop an energy market, diversify forms of ownership and methods of business and strive to satisfy to the utmost consumer interests[...].---[T]he overall objectives of the national energy development strategy up to 2020, with 2050 vision, are to assure national energy security, contributing to firmly maintaining security and defense and developing an independent and self-reliant economy.---To re-structure the energy sector so as to step by step form a competitive energy market on the basis of assuring socio-political stability. ---[T]o abolish enterprise monopoly.
National policy structure: 
To formulate legal grounds for petroleum activities, paying special attention to midstream and downstream activities, including important tasks of economic and technical management in the natural gas sector such as licensing of gas transportation and distribution, approval of gas prices, transport and distribution charges and issuance of technical regulations.---To prioritize the implementation of the policy on assurance of national energy security towards synchronous development of various energy sources.---To promulgate new legal documents at the same time with revising and improving current ones in order to switch the operation of energy enterprises after the market mechanism.
Energy institutional structures: 
[T]o enhance coordination between authorities, the Fatherland Front and mass associations in encouraging people to use energy in an economical and efficient manner while ensuring environmental protection.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
to encourage the application of energy-saving equipment and technologies.---To boost the development of new and renewable energies, bio-energy and nuclear power in order to meet the requirements of socio-economic development, especially in deep-lying, remote and border areas and offshore islands.---To quickly and sustainably develop energy in close association with the national socio-economic development strategy, in parallel with [...]applying energy-saving technologies, which is considered a key task throughout the process of national industrialization and modernization.---To prioritize the rational construction of hydropower plants while developing [...] natural gas-fired thermalpower plants. ---To encourage enterprises to build in places where conditions permit appropriate establishments for manufacturing, assembling and repairing equipment and facilities fuelled by new energy such as water boilers, small-sized hydropower equipment, wind-operated engines and biogas digesters.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
To prioritize the allocation of concessional credits from the development support fund, ODA capital and other foreign bilateral loans for energy projects such as those on the exploration and development of new and renewable energies and bio-energy---To study the establishment of an energy development fund to provide support for investment in the development of new and renewable energies and the implementation of public-utility projects.-
Gas-to-power technology: 
To diversify the forms of investment and cooperation in the construction of gas-fired power plants for sale of electricity to the national grids.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
To formulate legal grounds for petroleum activities, [...] including important tasks of economic and technical management in the natural gas sector such as licensing of gas transportation and distribution, approval of gas prices, transport and distribution charges and issuance of technical regulations.---To prioritize the development, exploitation and use of natural gas. To encourage and provide incentives for investors who invest in the exploration and exploitation of gas fields, especially those with limited reserves. To diversify the forms of investment and cooperation in the construction of gas-fired power plants for sale of electricity to the national grids.
R&D renewable energy: 
To carry out communication, research, trial production and expansion of new and renewable energies nationwide.---To support investment in programs on survey and research into new and renewable energies, trial production of new and renewable energy products and development of models of use of new and renewable energies;
R&D energy efficiency: 
To apply achievements of the knowledge­based economy in order to raise energy trading efficiency. To attach importance to investment in energy conservation so as to reduce the wastage.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
To cooperate with, and purchase technologies from, developed countries in order to assembly hi-tech equipment such as solar cells, wind-operated equipment, etc, then strive to assemble and manufacture these equipment at home.