Total electrification of the countryside by Year 2020 is reinforcing what this country has already started 41 years ago. Founded on the national policy of extending the benefits of basic services to the citizenry, this vision is now the rallying platform of the National Electrification Administration a government corporation mandated to implement the Rural Electrification Program through electric distribution utilities (EDUs), particularly the electric cooperatives (ECs). Already, the NEA and the 119 ECs have jointly provided the benefits of electric service to 8.69 million homes or roughly 48 million Filipinos, within its area coverage. At this stage, the NEA is treading the pathway of completing the energization of puroks/sitios by Year 2020. A milestone in 2008. as a baseline for the Road Map 8th millionth consumer connection. In these success stories, the governance principles have been imbibed within NEA’s culture and through various performance parameters for both the NEA and the ECs.
NEA’s mission to provide financial, institutional & technical (FIT) assistance to electric distribution utilities (EDUs) and to make highly competitive in the power industry is enshrined in the NEA Charter. Presidential Decree (PD) 269, as amended by PD 1645, ad as additional mandates in the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) of 2001. NEA’s core competencies as a lending institution, with value-added services (FIT) a re captured in the Road Map and Scorecard of the Administrator, as the CEO’s commitment and from where subsidiary scorecards will be anchored. The corporate values of Absolute Honesty, Maximum Efficiency, and total Solidarity inspire the wok ethic behind agency’s business, NEA being first and foremost a public institution and the ECs being people-based organizations.
Two themes dictate the strategic priorities of the NEA to maximize its potentials in ensuring customer satisfaction: Operational Efficiency and Strategic Alliance. The former recognizes the value of lifelong learning by enhancing its human resources cognitive and behavioral competencies: it also emphasizes organizational infrastructures encompassing internal systems & procedures, considering that NEA’s compliance to public standards is necessary. As a twin theme, Strategic Alliance with coalitions and various stakeholders is geared towards sustaining a symbiotic relationship for Peak performance. The cycle becomes productive only if these same ECs provide accessible, quality and reliable service to the consumers—another dimension from the NEA’s perspectives.
The NEA’s Council of Leaders composed of various employee level representatives, as well as its organized and legitimate union, and supported by the Assembly of Leaders (executives & managers) from the internal coalition. The ECs and allied Associations, the Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (PHILRECA), National Association of Generals Managers of Electric Cooperatives (NAGMEC), National Solidarity of Associations and Unions of Electric Cooperatives (NSA/NSU), National Association of Financial, Institutional and Technical Managers and Internal Auditors, compose the external coalition including representation from the ECs’ consumer beneficiaries namely, the Multi-Sectoral Electrification Advisory Council (MSEAC) and the Electric Consumers Advocacy of the Philippines (ECAP).
As Year 2020 is just 10 “light” years away the partnership of the NEA & ECs shall remain to be the best option to speed up the process of lighting up the countryside.