Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
The Prime Minister of Government
Overall Summary: 
A Decision approving the Planning on national electricity development in the 2006-2015 period, with a vision to 2025 taken into consideration.
Energy access priorities: 
To develop electricity sources to satisfy the load demands.
Energy access action plan: 
To develop electricity centers in all regions across the country in order to ensure local electricity supply, reduce loss on the national electricity system, ensure economic efficiency of projects and contribute to regional and national socio-economic development.
Energy access targets: 
To continue implementing investment programs for rural electricity development already approved by the Prime Minister, striving for the target that 95% and 100% of communes will have electricity by 2010 and 2015, respectively.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
To develop small hydropower plants, new and renewable energy sources for deep-lying, remote, mountainous and border areas and islands.
Energy environmental priorities: 
[T]o satisfy environmental standards[...] in new electric power plants.
Energy pricing: 
To set market-driven electricity selling and buying prices and encourage domestic and foreign investors to invest in electricity source projects.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
To boost the construction of coal-fired thermoelectric plants.---To develop small hydropower plants, new and renewable energy sources for deep-lying, remote, mountainous and border areas and islands.--- To develop electricity transmission and distribution grids in synchrony with programs on development of electricity sources. To modernize and gradually place underground electricity grids in cities and towns so as to improve the landscape and environment.
Regional integration priorities: 
[T]o take the initiative in effectively exchanging electricity with regional countries.
Energy trade priorities: 
[T]o take the initiative in effectively exchanging electricity with regional countries.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
To complete investment preparations for a project on a nuclear power plant before submission to the Prime Minister for approval. ---To develop new electricity sources in parallel with formulating plans on intensive investment in, and technology renewal of, existing power plants.---To encourage domestic economic sectors and foreign investors to participate in projects on development of electricity sources and projects on electricity distribution grids in investment forms specified by law.
Investment climate development: 
To encourage domestic economic sectors and foreign investors to participate in projects on development of electricity sources and projects on electricity distribution grids in investment forms specified by law. ---To set market-driven electricity selling and buying prices and encourage domestic and foreign investors to invest in electricity source projects.
National policy structure: 
To continue implementing the Prime Minister's Decision No. 276/2006/QD-TTg of December 4, 2006, on electricity selling prices.
Energy institutional structures: 
Electricity in rural and mountainous areas and islands: The Ministry of Industry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned branches and localities in, formulating relevant mechanisms and policies and promulgating documents guiding their implementation.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[T]o satisfy environmental standards; and to use modern technologies in new electric power plants.
Gas-to-power technology: 
[T]o rationally and effectively develop gaseous and thermal electricity sources.