Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Plan/Strategy
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
Overall Summary: 
An overview of newly implemented energy efficiency policies, as well as short, medium and long term efficiency development plans and policies within the energy sector.
Energy access priorities: 
Improve overall electricity supply in particular for all villages not yet electrified and promote an equal level of electricity services in cities and rural areas of Cambodia (see 2.5.4 Energy Efficiency of Rural Electricity Generation and Distribution: Reduction of generation and distribution losses of REE’s).; ---- Promotion of biomass use for decentralized production of energy (thermal or electrical) through gasification or bio digestion.
Energy access action plan: 
In 2020 the high tension transmission line will cover over 24 cities and provinces of Cambodia. And these cities and provinces will have at least one sub- station each to receive electricity supply from the national grid. ---- From the year of 2015, the national grid has sufficient capacity to support all kinds of demands of consumers already connected to the national grid and in 2018 the national grid will provide a 25% reserve capacity for the system.; ---- Develop alternative electricity sources and improve electrical transmission lines to satisfy the demand for electricity services under close consideration of safety, quality and security of supply aspects at reasonable costs (see 2.5.1 Energy Efficiency in Industry, objective 1, activity 3: Substitution of fossil fuel by biomass for co-generation in rice mills). ---- Continuous support to social affairs in rural electrification fund program of EDC by contribution of RGC’s direct fund and business support of EDC.;
Energy access targets: 
In 2020, 80% of villages will be connected to the national grid and another 20% will be supplied by other energy sources such as electricity imported from neighbouring countries or single supply systems. In 2030, 95% of villages of the whole country will be connected to the national grid while another 5% of the villages will be connected to single supply systems with a quality of supply similar to the national grid. ---- In 2020, the gap of electricity selling prices between urban and rural areas will be reduced and the price difference should not exceed 15%.;
Energy service quality targets: 
In 2020, at least 50% of households in Cambodia will be grid-connected with the same quality of supply as those connected to the national grid and 70% of households will follow up to 2030.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Promotion of improved and efficient cookstoves for urban households.; ---- Promotion of improved and efficient cookstoves for household scale industries in rural areas.; ---- Promotion of biomass use for decentralized production of energy (thermal or electrical) through gasification or bio digestion.
EE priorities: 
Encouraging the efficient use of energy with minimal impact on the environment in spite of the energy efficiency concept being included in NSDP 2009-2013, no specific sector is mentioned.; ---- The energy efficiency of the industrial sector is improved; (a) The energy intensity per unit of production is reduced; (i) By means of reducing the specific energy consumption of industrial production processes, ---- Increase knowledge around rural electrification efficiency; (a) Government, private organisations, and rural households are better informed and prepared to tackle energy efficiency in rural electrification. ---- Establish an energy manager program.
EE targets: 
Reduce the future National Energy demand by 20% until 2035, compared to business as usual projections.;
EE action plans: 
---- Implementation of voluntary standards on energy efficiency in industrial enterprises consuming more than a certain amount ( to be determined) of energy per year. ---- Implementation of energy efficiency/conservation laws/ regulations on industrial energy use. ---- Support the development of energy service companies (ESCO’s). ---- Technical training for engineers and technicians in the field of energy efficiency, preforming energy audits, establishing EMS and implementing energy saving measures in the industry. ---- Support the local development and manufacturing of energy efficient equipment. ---- A compulsory national energy efficiency labeling system for household appliances is being elaborated and promulgated by government.
EE standards for appliances: 
Energy efficiency of end-user products has increased and residential electricity consumption is reduced; (a) Energy efficiency of end user products is improved; (i) At present there are no energy efficiency standards available in Cambodia and the end user does not get any information on the energy efficiency of household appliances available in the market. It is therefore recommended that the energy consumption of energy consuming household appliances is tested by certified testing laboratories and labelled according to an approved labelling system. According to the experiences in other ASEAN countries and in Europe, by means of these measures energy savings of up to 50% can be achieved in the residential energy consumption.
EE industry standards: 
Capacity building in the field of EE&C in industry is strengthened; (a) Owners and managers of factories are trained in energy management and apply its principles;
EE building standards: 
An energy efficiency building code for new buildings is established. ---- Energy efficiency of new buildings is improved; (a) An energy efficiency building code for new buildings is established; (i) An energy efficiency building code is widely regarded as the most effective way to reduce energy consumption in buildings. There is relatively little or no cost to improve the design of new buildings, to make them inherently more energy efficient, before they are built. Once a building is built, changes become more difficult and expensive. An energy efficiency building code specifies these energy efficient designs. ---- Energy efficiency is existing buildings is improved; (a) An Energy Manager Certification program is established; (i) Energy efficiency of existing buildings can be improved in the most cost effective manner by careful attention to the operation of the building. An onsite energy manager can both monitor building equipment, such as air-conditioners and boilers, and manage the habits of building occupants e.g. turning off lights when not in use. Furthermore, the building energy manager can report energy data and energy saving strategies that are valuable for policy making. ---- Energy efficiency in public buildings is improved; (a) A green standard is applied to all new public buildings; (i) A green standard is chosen for government buildings because it is in government’s power to subscribe to a higher standard than energy efficiency codes and lead the way for Cambodia. An added benefit is addressing wider environmental concerns, such as building waste in landfills and water consumption. Also, these standards are already written, such the LOTUS in Viet Nam, and thus can be implemented relatively quickly. A model program is the United States’ Government Service Administration (GSA) which has made the Green Building Council’s LED green standard a requirement for all federal government buildings.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Rural energy entrepreneurs (REEs) operate more efficient businesses; (a) Rural energy entrepreneurs (REEs) can provide their energy services more efficiently and at lower costs; (i) To improve energy efficiency of rural electricity supply, the two most urgent priorities are introducing and enforcing standards on electricity generation and distribution and training of REEs in operating their systems more effectively. Rural energy entrepreneurs (REEs) generate and/or distribute electricity across much of Cambodia. Although some guideline standards apply to licensed REEs, they are not properly enforced. On top of this, there are still a large number of unlicensed. REEs in operation with electrical losses of up to 40%. These unlicensed REEs represent the greatest potential for efficiency savings in rural electrification and can be tackled through better training, stricter standards, and improved technology (including renewable energy). Increasing efficiency will lead to lower electricity costs for the end users. ---- Support the development of energy service companies (ESCO’s).
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
In order to increase the public awareness and create a platform for cooperation and networking, it is proposed to establish an “Energy Efficiency Information Resources Centre” (EEIRC) at MIME. This EEIRC should comprise: (a) A physical desk at MIME accessible by phone or in person and (b) A web portal via internet offering information and services about EE products, regulations, standards, reports and governmental publications.; ---- 2) End users are aware of the concept of energy efficiency and behave accordingly; (a) End users change their behavior and use their electrical appliances in a more efficient way; (i) At present there is a lack of knowledge about energy efficiency on all levels. Education programs must therefore be developed and implemented into school curricula. Publicity campaigns must be broadcasted by radio and TV and be published in newspapers to inform the great public about the concept of energy efficiency and the saving potentials that can be realized by the appropriate utilization of electrical appliances, avoiding any wasteful consumption of electricity. ---- Organize awareness raising campaigns about energy efficiency in industry. ---- Education programs in energy efficient behavior are performed in schools.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Promotion of biomass use for decentralized production of energy (thermal or electrical) through gasification or bio digestion.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Reduce National Co2 emissions in 2035 by 3 million tons of CO2.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
The National forest resources are protected by the sustainable and efficient use of biomass; (a) Firewood and charcoal consumption is reduced by utilization of more efficient technologies. Community based sustainable forest management is being implemented effectively within a context of province, distinct and commune level planning and delivering concrete benefits to local communities. A strong demand and supply chain of energy efficient cook stoves is established. (i) The most urgent issues as discussed in the working group on energy efficiency in biomass utilization concern the targeting of the sector with the largest efficiency potential, to make the improved technology competitive by smart and innovative mechanisms and to conduct public awareness campaigns about these technologies via mass media to raise public awareness, especially of biomass users on the availability of EE technologies in the market and their comparative advantages.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Attract private participation in energy infrastructure investment including production, transmission and distribution focusing strongly on modern technology, economic efficiency and on reducing negative social and environmental impacts (see 2.4.1 Cross-cutting Issues: Development of appropriate legal and financial framework conditions). ---- Provide financial incentives to interested companies to implement energy efficiency strategies and measures.
Energy management principles: 
Developing a policy and a legal and regulatory framework for the energy sector in order to ensure efficient management and resources utilization for the economic development and improvement in livelihoods of the Cambodia people.; ---- Promotion of good energy management practice in industrial enterprises.
Public database availability: 
Improve energy data collection and processing in the industry.