Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Gas, Bioenergy
Issued by: 
Government of Timor-Leste
Unofficial translation
Overall Summary: 
This Amendment takes into account the experience gathered by ANP in the implementation of the Regulation No. 1 2014 on Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Quality Standards and Specifications and provides for slight improvements.
EE transport standards : 
Please see Annex 3--5 for Petrol/Gasoline Specifications, Automotive Diesel.
Renewable Energy
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
The Biofuel (Bioethanol and Biodiesel) to be used for blending with Gasoline and Diesel Fuel in the domestic market must conform to the specifications to be approved by the ANP to this effect[...].---The specification for the blending of Biofuel with Gasoline and Diesel Fuel used for the propulsion of vehicles, used in the domestic market, with a percentage by volume of Biofuel greater than 5%, are set forth in Annexes III and V, except for the values established as maximum contents of such Biofuel.---The blending of Biofuel is limited up to a maximum threshold of 20% by volume.---Please see Annex 3--5 for Petrol/Gasoline Specifications, Automotive Diesel.
Pollution control action plans: 
Please see Annex 3--5 for Petrol/Gasoline Specifications, Automotive Diesel.
Decarbonization strategy: 
[T]his Regulation is aimed at achieving the following goals: (a) to regulate the quality of the Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricants distributed in the domestic market in order to reduce pollutant emissions arising from their use; (b) to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly engine technologies capable of ensuring minimum carbon emissions and the implementation of emission control technologies [...].
Advance rulings: 
Only Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricants that conform to the specifications set forth in this Regulation may be imported into, produced, provided, marketed and used in TimorLeste.
Energy management principles: 
[T]his Regulation is aimed at achieving the following goals: [...] to ensure that all the relevant and appropriate information about Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricants is provided to retailers and consumers when the products are provided, marketed and used. ---In a supply crisis situation, the members of the Government responsible for petroleum matters and the environment may set forth, by means of a joint decree, valid for up to 6 months, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel specifications less stringent than those established in this Regulation.
Energy institutional structures: 
The ANP may establish a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Standards Advisory Panel to assist it in establishing and reviewing the standards contained in this Regulation. Until the Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Standards Advisory Panel is established, the ANP may use external expert consultants for the purposes of this Chapter VI.