Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Plan/Strategy, Government Report
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
United Nations General Assembly
Overall Summary: 
The objective of the present report is to provide a global synthesis of the national and regional review reports for the consideration of the General Assembly. The report takes into account material that has become available, in particular the final outcomes of the preparatory meetings, and national assessment reports, United Nations documents and newer data. The different sections address the following aspects: Section I provides for an introduction; Section II summarizes the overall progress of small island developing States in terms of macroeconomic developments, progress made towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and vulnerability trends; Section III provides a more in-depth account of the progress made, the lessons learned and the continuing challenges in the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy in relation to each Strategy theme and means of implementation. Conclusions and issues for consideration are contained in section IV.
National policy structure: 
(c) Further focus on key thematic areas. 122. The Barbados Programme of Action and the Mauritius Strategy provide a comprehensive overview of the major areas in which action is needed to reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience. Yet, in view of the scarcity of resources for the implementation of the Strategy, Member States may wish to consider a further focus on a few sub-areas and defining measurable goals and targets for these areas in order to monitor progress. Such sub-areas are expected to be country-specific. The review reports in particular highlight the following: sustainable energy; [...]