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Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Other
Issued by: 
The Royal Thai Government (RTG) - Ministry of Energy
Overall Summary: 
The Energy Conservation Development Plan aims to reduce energy intensity and consumption. The most important sectors where energy conservation is tackled are transportation (13,400 ktoe in 2030) and the industrial sector (11,300 ktoe in 2030). The Plan provides for background information, targets and strategies to achieve them. In particular, it addresses: Energy Demand Situation and Trend; Energy Conservation Potential; Framework of the 20-Year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (2011-2030); Framework of the First 5-Year Work Plans; EEDP Mobilization and Success Factors.
EE priorities: 
Promoting traveling by mass transit systems and goods transportation via highly energy-efficient logistics systems.
EE targets: 
Reduce energy intensity by 25% in 2030, based on 2005 level; or equivalently reduce final energy consumption by 20% in 2030, or about 30,000 ktoe. Two economic sectors that shoulder priority for energy conservation are transportation (13,400 ktoe in 2013) and industrial sector (11,300 ktoe in 2013).---Annual Targets of Final Energy Saving: Industry Total ktoe: 377(2011) 731(2012)1,100(2013) 1,482(2014) 1,899(2015). Commercial Building & Residential: Total (ktoe) 74 (2011) 142(2012) 214 (2013) 289(2014) 370(2015). Small Commercial Building & Residential: Total (ktoe) 106(2011) 207(2012) 311(2013) 419(2014) 538(2015).Transportation: Total (ktoe) 443(2011) 861(2012) 1,293(2013) 1,743(2014) 2,235(2015). Please see document for further details on energy type.
EE action plans: 
Strategic approaches and measures consist of the following aspects: mandatory requirements via rules, regulations and standards; energy conservation promotion and support; public awareness creation and behavioral change; promotion of technology development and innovations; human resources and institutional capability development. ---Enforcement of the Energy Conservation Promotion Act, [as amended up to] B.E. 2550 (2007).---Execution of a “voluntary agreement” to save energy between the public and commercial/industrial sectors, especially various business associations and large-scale businesses.---Support for the development of professionals in the energy conservation field to be persons responsible for energy management and operation, verification and monitoring, consultancy and engineering services provision, and the planning, supervision and promotion of the implementation of energy conservation measures.---Measure: Benchmarking the amount of energy used per unit of products (SEC) Develop the SEC database and benchmark both domestic and overseas SEC (2016-2020).--- Support the development of infrastructure contributing to traveling and goods transportation with high energy efficiency transport systems, e.g. construction of the bus rapid transit (BRT) system, double-track railway, etc.---Plan to upgrade energy efficiency of common and widely used (cross-cutting) industrial equipment, e.g. electric motors and boilers. Plan to upgrade energy efficiency of common equipment/appliances used in buildings and homes, e.g. airconditioners, refrigerators, electric fans, etc. Plan to develop and apply energy consumption control systems in buildings and industrial manufacturing processes. Plan to develop the combined heat and power (CHP) system (study the economic feasibility and suitable systems for application to different cases). Plan to develop technology to increase energy efficiency of industry-specific production systems/processes, focusing on the reduction of specific energy consumption (SEC), particularly for SMEs. Plan to develop vehicle technology, emphasizing engine development to efficiently run on alternative fuels and the development of electric motorcycles. Plan to develop energy-saving buildings for tropical climate, focusing on the designing of building envelopes and air-conditioning systems which are highly energy efficient.
EE standards for appliances: 
Enforcement of the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for equipment/appliances, buildings and vehicles to prevent the distribution and use of low energy-efficient products. --- Encourage the use of high energy-efficiency equipment/appliance, e.g. CFL tubes, high efficiency LPG stoves, etc (2011-2015).
EE labeling: 
Mandatory energy efficiency labeling to provide options for consumers to buy or use highly energy-efficient quipment/appliances, vehicles and buildings.--- Encourage home energy efficiency labeling, particularly in the housing estate business (2011-2015).---Compile a list of energy-consuming equipment/appliances that have a wide market base and enforce mandatory labeling. Lay down rules/criteria for enforcement and penalties with regard to energy efficiency labeling. Coordinate with the Office of the Consumer Protection Board to issue rules/regulations requiring energy efficiency labeling.
EE industry standards: 
Determination of the Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS), or the minimum standards for large energy businesses to implement energy conservation measures encouraging their customers to use energy efficiently.
EE building standards: 
Enforce the Ministerial Regulation on Building Design for Energy Conservation, B.E. 2552 (2009) / (2016-2020).---Support the construction of demonstration buildings to be energy-saving building prototypes (e.g. government buildings).
EE transport standards : 
Encourage high energy efficiency labeling for vehicles.--- Enforce the minumum fuel economy standard for vehicles (2016/2020).--- Enforce energy efficiency labeling for new vehicles (2012).
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
The use of professionals and Energy Services Companies (ESCO) as an important tool to provide consultancy and to implement energy conservation measures in which the use of more advanced technology is involved.---Support for the operation of ESCO companies, (e.g. the use of funds from the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund to increase credit lines given by the ESCO Fund), to alleviate technical and financial risks of entrepreneurs wishing to implement energy conservation measures.
EE financial incentives: 
Provide subsidies for the amount of energy saved which can be verified, as per the project proposals approved under the DSM Bidding scheme for large-scale businesses; and provide subsidies for amount of energy saved or reduction of peak load that can be verified or accurately assessed for SMEs, as per the project proposals submitted under the Standard Offer Program (SOP) scheme. ---Support and incentive provision to encourage voluntary energy efficiency labeling for highly energy-efficient equipment/appliances, buildings and vehicles.---Subsidization for investment in the implementation of energy conservation measures by (a) providing subsidies for the amount of energy saved which can be verified, as per the project proposals approved under the DSM Bidding scheme for large-scale businesses, and (b) providing subsidies for the amount of energy saved and/or reduction of peak load that can be verified or accurately assessed for SMEs as per the project proposals submitted under the Standard Offer Program (SOP) scheme, [...].
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Provide knowledge about energy conservation to the general public via teaching/learning process in educational institutions.---Determination of energy prices to reflect the actual costs and application of tax measures as an important tool to promote energy conservation with a view to fostering public awareness and changing their energy consumption behavior.--- Launch PR campaign on energy efficiency measures and technology (HEPS, eco-points, ISO 50001): Launch campaigns via various media channels so that consumers and energy users could be informed of products with HEPS, products with carbon footprint labeling and products manufactured by producers with certified Energy Management System (ISO50001). Cooperate with product manufacturers and distributors in developing a point accumulation system when consumers buy environmentally friendly products (eco-points) so that consumers could collect points to exchange for gifts or cash vouchers, etc.---Organize contests and confer awards (energy management, innovative campaign slogans, etc.).---Draw up syllabuses and activities related to energy conservation in schools and other educational institutions.
Pollution control action plans: 
Introduce tax measures to promote utilization of high energy efficiency and environmentally friendly vehicles, e.g. eco-cars and electric motorcycles--- Designate special zones to prohibit the use of private vehicles causing pollution, e.g. designation of walking streets, etc. Planning and improvement of land use in support of traveling via public transport systems and non-motorized transport (NMT).--- Undertake tax restructuring to encourage energy conservation and GHG reduction.---Exercise Travel Demand Managment (TDM) concurrently with promotion of the use of public transport systems to reduce travel demand and traveling by private vehicles, e.g. road-pricing.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Putting forth the concept and promoting activities related to the development of low carbon society and low carbon economy, [...].--- Encourage local administration organizations (LAOs) and the business sector to undertake activities related to low carbon society and low carbon economy development Disseminate the concept of low carbon society/economy development at the community level via agencies under the LAOs. Support activities contributing to low carbon society/economy development and publicize the implementation outcome, including providing awards for activities with excellent achievements to be examples for future activities.
Energy taxation: 
Determination of energy prices to reflect the actual costs and application of tax measures as an important tool to promote energy conservation with a view to fostering public awareness and changing their energy consumption behavior
Energy pricing: 
Determination of energy prices to reflect the actual costs and application of tax measures as an important tool to promote energy conservation with a view to fostering public awareness and changing their energy consumption behavior.
Carbon tax: 
Study the appropriateness and determine tax structures, e.g. petroleum tax, carbon tax, vehicle tax, annual car plate tax, etc., which will contribute to behavioral change to use energy economically, and also to market transformation so that buyers could opt for products with HEPS and/or low GHG emission.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
To promote and provide funding for the development of demonstration projects on technology or equipment with high energy saving potential, as well as market potential, so as to create confidence by investors and financiers in technology applications
Public Private Partnerships: 
To create cooperative networks between the public and private sectors, including educational/research institutions, for demonstration of high energy efficiency technology.
Energy management principles: 
Support for the development of institutional capability of agencies/organizations in both public and private sectors, responsible for the planning, supervision and promotion of the implementation of energy conservation measures.
National policy structure: 
This 20-year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP) is formulated with a target to reduce energy intensity by 25% in 2030, compared with that in 2005, or equivalent to reduction of final energy consumption by 20% in 2030, or about 30,000 thousand tons of crude oil equivalent (ktoe).
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Increase in self-reliance on indigenously developed technology to reduce technological costs and to increase access to energy efficiency technology, including promotion of highly energy efficient product manufacturing businesses.
R&D energy efficiency: 
Promotion of research and development to improve energy efficiency and reduce technological costs, particularly those related to equipment/ appliances with large markets and having their manufacturing bases in Thailand, including the production process, materials as well as buildings and housing that are energy efficient. (2016-2020)--- Promotion of demonstrations of energy-efficiency technology that has been technically proven but has not been commercialized in the domestic market, including support for necessary preparation to materialize wide commercial deployment of such technology.--- Promote R&D on high energy-efficiency equipment/appliances, e.g. LED light bulbs, heatpump water heaters, etc (2011-2015).