Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Energy Department, Prime Minister’s Office Negara Brunei Darussalam
Overall Summary: 
This Energy White Paper sets out a framework for action to enable Brunei Darussalam address challenges and to manage the projected risks. The Framework involves the commitment of the Ministries of the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam, and the partnership with domestic and international investors to plan and execute important initiatives to achieve and fulfill Wawasan Brunei 2035 (Brunei National Vision 2035). Indeed, the energy sector is considered a core driver of Brunei Darussalam’s economy, which forms part of the strategies to achieve Wawasan 2035. The Document provides for an introduction into the energy sector of Brunei Darussalam, followed by the explanation of three strategic goals to achieve the energy vision. They are: Strategic Goal 1: Strengthen and Grow Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream Activities; Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of Energy; Strategic Goal 3: Maximise Economic Spin-off from Energy Industry – boost local content and secure high participation of local workforce. The Goals are supported by four key enablers for the energy vision.---Note: BEDB Brunei Economic Development Board; BND Bruneian Dollar; EDPMO Energy Department, Prime Minister’s Office; EEC Energy Efficiency and Conservation; EICF Energy Industry Competency Framework; LBD Local Business Development.
Energy access action plan: 
Strengthening of national grid including sub-transmission network and provisions of future regional connectivity. Reinforcement of distribution system assets-primary and secondary substations and distribution networks.
Energy service quality targets: 
Reliable Energy - Power Outage (>1 hour) Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of Energy: Number of incidents of power outages of more than 1 hour duration in a year Number per year >300 (2010) 100 (2017) <50 (2035).---Reliable Energy - Interruption in supply of Transport fuel Number of incidents where there is a supply interruption for transportation fuel for general public consumption at more than 50% fuel stations at any district in a given day Number 0 (2010) 0 (2017) 0 (2035).
EE priorities: 
To drive Brunei Darussalam’s economy into a sustainable future, Brunei Darussalam supports the implementation of strategies related to energy security, diversification of supply, energy efficiency and conservation.
EE targets: 
Reduce energy intensity by 45 percent by 2035. [...] Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of Energy: Energy Intensity Ratio of primary energy demand for all sectors and GDP Ton oil equivalent per USD Million of GDP (2005 baseline) 390 (2005) 320 (2017) 215 (2035).---Transport: [...] To reduce about 13 percent of energy consumption from the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario which is about 5.9 percent of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035.
EE action plans: 
The EDPMO is currently in the process of enacting a regulatory framework on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) through the National EEC Committee, a platform that coordinates EEC efforts with various stakeholders at a high-level and oversees the implementation the EEC Plan of Actions on four major sectors namely residential, commercial, industrial and transportation.---Residential and commercial buildings: Measures include applying "smart" tariffs, application of high-energy efficient technologies in buildings, installation of smart meters and evaluation of feasibility of altering tariff structure that promotes efficient consumption behaviour.---Policy 1: Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling – Establishing legal framework for energy efficiency standards.---Fuel Economy Regulation Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Communications measures include: [...] – Promoting the utilisation of hybrid and electric vehicles.---riority Initiative 2: Improve Operational and Technical Efficiency of Power Supply System: Improve efficiency of power plants through conversion or replacement of existing open cycle generation plants to more efficient systems. [...].
EE standards for appliances: 
Setting up minimum energy efficiency standards for air conditioners in the first phase, followed by refrigerators, lightings and other appliances in the subsequent phases. Designing the types of energy efficiency indicators and rating scale to be adopted for each appliance. Introducing energy labeling for selected electrical appliances.
EE labeling: 
Introducing energy labeling for selected electrical appliances.
EE building standards: 
Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Development, initiatives include: – Establishing legal framework for Building Energy Efficiency. Introducing energy efficient or green building labels or certificates. – Demonstrating green buildings
EE transport standards : 
Transport: Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Communications, measures towards energy intensity reduction include promotion of fuel efficient technologies, the use of hybrid cars for private transportation and introduction of fuel economy standards.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Energy Management: – Promoting Energy Service Company (ESCO)
EE financial incentives: 
Policy 6: Financial Incentives – Introducing appropriate incentives for energy efficient appliances and vehicles.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Policy 7: Awareness Raising – Setting up EEC curriculum in national education system to increase awareness at the grassroot level. – Introducing annual awards to incentivise individual and corporation to practice energy management. – Conducting energy exhibitions, roadshows, workshops and seminars for general public to demonstrate the potential for EEC. – Educate young generation through the establishment of Energy Clubs in secondary schools and sixth form centres. – Regularly publishing energy consumption of major energy users to inform end users and induce their behavioural change. – Conducting regular survey on energy consumption pattern in different sector to spur an informed-based decision making process.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The Government is working to achieve the country’s target while exploring plans to diversify the energy mix through a concerted effort and promotion of alternative and renewable energy sources for power generation.
RE targets: 
Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of Energy: The target is to increase the share of renewable energy in the total power generation mix by 2.7 percent or 124,000 MWh by 2017 and by 10 percent or 954,000 MWh by 2035.
RE action plans: 
Priority Initiative 1: Introduce Renewable Energy Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: – Establish renewable energy policies and regulatory frameworks. – Introduce support mechanisms to stimulate private sector investments. – Establish clear market and grid access rules and procedures.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Priority Initiative 3: Raise Awareness and Promote Human Capacity Development: – Carry out public awareness programs through roadshows, forums, exhibitions to increase the awareness concerning renewable energy. – To utilise Tenaga Suria Brunei (TSB) as a training facility for best practice project development to stimulate replication and scale up solar PV investments. – Strengthen higher learning institutions and industry stakeholders in promoting renewable energy education, capacity building and entrepreneurships.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The green industry will grasp the potential for industries to achieve higher economic growth and revenues with less resource use and pollution.
Energy pricing: 
Residential and commercial buildings: Measures include applying "smart" tariffs, application of high-energy efficient technologies in buildings, installation of smart meters and evaluation of feasibility of altering tariff structure that promotes efficient consumption behaviour.---Policy 5: Electricity Tariff Reform – Expanding the current progressive electricity tariff for residential sector to other sectors when appropriate. – Evaluating feasibility of altering tariff structure to promote desired consumption behaviour. – Conducting regular surveys to understand the optimum tariff schedule through understanding the relationships between household income and electricity usage.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Strategic Goal 1: Strengthen and Grow Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream Activities: 1 Ratio of expectation reserves added each year and annual production volume (oil and gas): Ratio 0.5 (2010) >1 (2017) >1 (2035); 2 Oil and Gas Production Gross production of oil and gas Barrel Oil Equivalent (BOE) per day 408,000 (2010) 430,000 (2017) 650,000 (2035); 3 Downstream Economic Output Revenue from sales of products BND Million per year 300 (2010) 3,000 (2017) 5,000 (2035) ---[F]acilitate the execution of new field development projects and the increase in new reserves through: ■ Accelerating the study of maturing fields ("Scope For Recovery") to enable booking of new reserves, and ■ Developing unconnected marginal oil and gas fields through a cluster development approach.---The EDPMO will also continue to explore the availability and development potential of new sources of energy. Common categories include tight gas, [...] coal bed methane (CBM),[...] and shale gas [...].---Priority Initiative 1: Rejuvenate existing fields: A core focus area in upstream will be the rejuvenation of our current producing assets to enhance recovery from these fields and maximise production.---Priority Initiative 2: Maximise Economic Recovery from New Discovered Fields.---Priority Initiative 3: Review Potential Solutions for Development of Small and Unconnected Fields.---Strengthening of national grid including sub-transmission network and provisions of future regional connectivity.---Priority Initiative 4: Review The Distribution Network The EDPMO will continuously monitor and review the need to upgrade or enhance the distribution network, for example, fleet capacity and network optimisation.
Regional integration priorities: 
Strengthening of national grid including sub-transmission network and provisions of future regional connectivity.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Priority Initiative 4: Upstream International Ventures: [...] Our aspirational target in international ventures investment is to achieve around 100,000 BOEPD by 2035 as part of the overall target.
Independent power producers: 
Priority Initiative 1: Introduce Renewable Energy Policy and Regulatory Frameworks:[...] Establish clear market and grid access rules and procedures.
Local content requirement: 
Local Companies Development: Number of local companies that have at least 40% of sales of goods and services generated from overseas market Number 0 (2010) 8 (2017) 30 (2035).---The basis of growth will be one, which promotes fair competition on a level playing field. Hence, the maximisation of local industry contribution will be premised on the foundation of strong local companies, with the ability to compete successfully and fairly for domestic contracts.---Local Content: The contribution from local industries and workforce in the provision of goods and services supplied to the energy sector in Brunei Darussalam. The target is to have local industry contribution grow from 15 percent in 2010 to 50 percent by 2017 and to more than 80 percent by 2035.---Companies Venturing Overseas: The target is to have at least 8 local companies go international by 2017 and a total of 30 local companies to have gone international by 2035.---Capacity building programs and initiatives will be developed via the LBD framework aim to develop and grow "Truly Bruneian Businesses" in a sustainable manner.---Priority Initiative 1: Identify the pools of local companies, which could potentially win in the domestic market. Priority Initiative 2: Establish and imbed feasible local content targets and supporting legislations, directives, policies and regulations into long term business planning
Investment climate development: 
Brunei Darussalam will actively seek to engage world-class companies and talents to jointly transform the energy sector, and ensure that carefully planned quality investments are deployed to bring mutually beneficial investments for the partners involved.---In addition to Sungai Liang Industrial Park (SPARK) in Sungai Liang, Pulau Muara Besar (PMB) will soon be established as a petrochemical industrial hub. Both SPARK and PMB are forecasted to attract additional foreign investors.---Priority Initiative 1: Introduce Renewable Energy Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: – Introduce support mechanisms to stimulate private sector investment.---Key enabler: Attracting investment in core areas requiring growth and developing synergistic fit with investors.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Create policy framework for public private partnership to accelerate the implementation of solar PV and waste-to-energy projects.
Overseas investment support: 
Local Companies Development: Companies Venturing Overseas: The target is to have at least 8 local companies go international by 2017 and a total of 30 local companies to have gone international by 2035.---The 2035 Target of Downstream Economic Output is BND 5 billion. The relevant Government agencies will provide the appropriate support and incentives to secure the investments in these downstream industries and also to improve the competitiveness of Brunei Darussalam’s industry in by reducing production costs and thus gaining access to the world’s market.---Local Content Development: The Government would seek to evaluate the potential elements of support, which could include: Capital: Develop financing and fiscal incentives to best support overseas expansion. This will be collaboration between various parties such as EDPMO, Ministry of Finance, AMBD, BEDB and the Brunei Association of Banks. Capabilities: Set up global entrepreneurship, training and development programs for the industry. [...] This is aimed at providing structured assistance for truly Bruneian businesses to enhance their capabilities and competitiveness in order to venture overseas. Catalysts: Establish a "market insight agency" which will provide a repository of best practices, techniques and tools to develop a suitable international business model and branding strategy. [...] Connections: [...] With assistance from relevant agencies e.g. BEDB, a programme will be suggested to these local vendors, where assistance will be given to gain access to various business networking opportunities and overseas markets via participation in trade expo’s and international tenders. Conditions: The Government will facilitate industry reorganisation or foreign investment that is required to turbo-charge local companies with the scale and scope to compare well with other multinational companies [...].
Bidding and Tendering: 
[...] Currently, in a bid to provide further opportunities openly to local vendors, a list of Tender Opportunities from all Major Oil and Gas Operators is regularly updated on the EDPMO Website [...].
Energy management principles: 
To drive Brunei Darussalam’s economy into a sustainable future, Brunei Darussalam supports the implementation of strategies related to energy security, diversification of supply, energy efficiency and conservation. ---The EDPMO will review existing energy legislation and draft new energy legislation as required to facilitate exploration activities.---Energy Management – Introducing the energy management process that is compatible with international standards such as ISO 50001. – Introducing energy audit policy for buildings and industries.---Installation of a new state-of-the-art Energy Management System which includes load dispatch centre and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.---Priority Initiative 1: Improve Power System Reliability – Diagnose failure modes, carry out root cause analysis for each major outage and implement the recommendations of the analysis. – Benchmark network performance System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) in line with Electricity Supply Industry's best practices. Maximise the use of Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to plan and execute routine, preventive and corrective maintenance work.---Priority Initiative 2: Improve Operational and Technical Efficiency of Power Supply System: – Introduce power sector structural reforms and improve the competency of the staff to enhance organizational effectiveness. [...] – Optimise power supply system operation through introduction of an energy management system.---Priority Initiative 1: Secure fuel supply. Priority Initiative 2: Storage Capacity to Meet Projected Fuel Demand.---Establishment and Implementation of Energy Industry Competency Framework (EICF).---Key enabler: Growing Bruneian human capital by building the skills and capabilities needed for the energy sector.
Statistics collection and management: 
Installation of a new state-of-the-art Energy Management System which includes load dispatch centre and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Pioneering New Low Carbon Technologies such as Hydrogen Fuel.---Residential and commercial buildings: Measures include applying "smart" tariffs, application of high-energy efficient technologies in buildings, installation of smart meters and evaluation of feasibility of altering tariff structure that promotes efficient consumption behaviour.---Priority Initiative 2: Scale-up Market Deployment of Solar PV and Promote Waste-to-Energy Technologies: – Establish grid-connected solar PV development targets taking into account variable nature of the solar energy. – Adopt the most efficient and state-of-art waste-to-energy technologies taking into account source of waste generation, collection, sorting and recycling systems. – Create policy framework for public private partnership to accelerate the implementation of solar PV and waste-to-energy projects.---Priority Initiative 3: Adopt Advanced Power Supply and Equipment Technologies – Identify and adopt state-of-the-art key equipment in the power supply chain. – Use of latest technology to enhance people and process efficiency. – Explore implementation of smart grid system.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Priority Initiative 4: Support Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) and Technology Transfer: [...] Promote transfer of technologies and facilitate linkage between international research institutions and private companies and local entities.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Development of Aluminium Derivatives: [...] Discussions are currently underway to develop new industries requiring natural gas and electricity. The focus within the next few years will be to ensure that these projects are implemented and commissioned. --- 2: Scale-up Market Deployment of Solar PV and Promote Waste-to-Energy Technologies: – Establish grid-connected solar PV development targets taking into account variable nature of the solar energy. – Adopt the most efficient and state-of-art waste-to-energy technologies taking into account source of waste generation, collection, sorting and recycling systems. – Create policy framework for public private partnership to accelerate the implementation of solar PV and waste-to-energy projects.
R&D renewable energy: 
Priority Initiative 4: Support Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) and Technology Transfer: – Promote RD&D of RE Technologies that have potential for commercialisation in the country and for exports.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Promote transfer of technologies and facilitate linkage between international research institutions and private companies and local entities.