Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Royal Government of Bhutan
Overall Summary: 
The policy's rationale is to balance the economic development achievable through mineral resources and their limited social and environmental sustainability. It is aimed towards the creation of a vibrant mineral sector that contributes towards the achievement of the Gross National Happiness. The objectives are as follows: The Mineral Development Policy shall have the following objectives:  To develop the scarce mineral resources for optimum value addition so that maximum benefit accrues to the nation;  To allow selective and cautious development of minerals for socio-economic development while ensuring environmental sustainability and inter-generational equity in the larger interest of the country;  To ensure the availability of construction materials at affordable prices to all the citizens;  To increasingly contribute to the national economic development by enhancing generation of revenue and employment;  To promote human resource development and ensure that mineral development is carried out by technically qualified professionals;  To promote investment in the mineral sector by technically and financially competent entities;  To develop an integrated mineral information system in the country;  To ensure effective regulation, administration, management and monitoring of the mineral sector.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Facilitate efficient, responsible and sustainable development of the mineral resources that contributes to the socio-economic development of the nation.---Objectives: [...] To allow selective and cautious development of minerals for socio-economic development while ensuring environmental sustainability and inter-generational equity in the larger interest of the country; ---For minerals (such as talc and coal) which occur in the form of erratic deposits (i.e. stringers, pockets, thin lenses and bands) and which are geologically difficult to be proven, the DGM shall identify localised areas and study the feasibility of operating such deposits in a environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable manner.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
All mining companies will be required to contribute to a community development fund to be used specifically for drinking water schemes, water source protection, social forestry schemes and renovation of religious sites belonging to the community and other schemes as may be prioritized by the community.
Energy-water nexus: 
All mining companies will be required to contribute to a community development fund to be used specifically for drinking water schemes, water source protection, social forestry schemes and renovation of religious sites belonging to the community and other schemes as may be prioritized by the community.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
All mining companies and firms shall be eligible for the general, employment and foreign exchange incentives as detailed in the EDP 2010. The EDP states that the Mineral Development Policy shall provide sector specific incentives for the mining sector. i. On certification by DGM, MoEA and NEC, companies that have invested in equipments and machinery and/or capacity building programmes that comply beyond prevailing environmental standards shall be allowed full tax credits. The credit is deductible to a maximum of 30% of companies’ tax payable in a given year and balance can be carried forward for use in future years. ii. All capital goods and spares that reduce the need for expatriate labour and other mining equipments that improves efficiency shall be exempt from customs duty and sales tax. iii. All mining machineries and equipments shall be allowed accelerated depreciation at double the prevailing rates.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Facilitate efficient, responsible and sustainable development of the mineral resources that contributes to the socio-economic development of the nation.---For minerals (such as talc and coal) which occur in the form of erratic deposits (i.e. stringers, pockets, thin lenses and bands) and which are geologically difficult to be proven, the DGM shall identify localised areas and study the feasibility of operating such deposits in a environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable manner.
Advance rulings: 
A Minimum value addition of 40% and Change in Tariff Classification at 6 digit level of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System on a mineral product shall be necessary to qualify for export till detailed value addition criteria is developed.[...].
Energy sector investment priorities: 
To promote investment in the mineral sector by technically and financially competent entities;
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
All mining companies and firms shall be eligible for the general, employment and foreign exchange incentives as detailed in the EDP 2010. The EDP states that the Mineral Development Policy shall provide sector specific incentives for the mining sector. i. On certification by DGM, MoEA and NEC, companies that have invested in equipments and machinery and/or capacity building programmes that comply beyond prevailing environmental standards shall be allowed full tax credits. The credit is deductible to a maximum of 30% of companies’ tax payable in a given year and balance can be carried forward for use in future years. ii. All capital goods and spares that reduce the need for expatriate labour and other mining equipments that improves efficiency shall be exempt from customs duty and sales tax. iii. All mining machineries and equipments shall be allowed accelerated depreciation at double the prevailing rates.
Investment climate development: 
To promote investment in the mineral sector by technically and financially competent entities;---Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the mineral development sector shall be as per the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy, 2010 and the rules and regulations thereunder. In the interest of promoting cleaner and greener industries, foreign investor/companies that possess international environmental certification standards such as ISO 14000 series or equivalent shall be encouraged through provision of incentives such as preference during the allocation process.
Bidding and Tendering: 
For minerals (such as talc and coal) which occur in the form of erratic deposits (i.e. stringers, pockets, thin lenses and bands) and which are geologically difficult to be proven,[...]The allocation of mining rights for such deposits shall also follow the bidding process [...].
Energy management principles: 
To ensure effective regulation, administration, management and monitoring of the mineral sector.--- the RGoB shall ensure community wellbeing [...]. Listed mining companies while floating their shares shall ensure that at least 10% of the shares are allocated to the affected community where the mines/quarries are located.
Energy institutional structures: 
in order to manage the mineral resources of the country in an effective manner, a Mineral Development Authority shall be established as an autonomous body, while the Department of Geology & Mines under the Ministry of Economic Affairs shall remain as an apex body for the geo-science and mining sectors.
Statistics collection and management: 
To develop an integrated mineral information system in the country;