Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Other
Issued by: 
Fiji Department of Energy
Overall Summary: 
The desire of the governments to improve the energy efficiency of appliances has led to the development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and the associated energy Labeling Scheme. The Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority will be assisting the Department of Energy into achieving a smooth transition of the Program. The MEPS is part of the Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ECE) Programme that intends to educate the public on the importance of using energy efficiently.
EE action plans: 
The desire of the governments to improve the energy efficiency of appliances has led to the development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and the associated energy Labeling Scheme. The Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority will be assisting the Department of Energy into achieving a smooth transition of the Program.
EE standards for appliances: 
The desire of the governments to improve the energy efficiency of appliances has led to the development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and the associated energy Labeling Scheme. The Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority will be assisting the Department of Energy into achieving a smooth transition of the Program.---Trade Standards: (a) FS/AS/NZS 4474.1:2007 means the AS/NZS 4474.1:1997, as adopted by virtue of the Trade Standards (Household Electric Refrigerating Appliances) Order 2007, subject to the amendments set out in this order. (b) FS/AS/NZS 4474.2:2007 means the AS/NZS 4474.1:2001, as adopted by virtue of the Trade Standards (Household Electric Refrigerating Appliances) Order 2007, subject to the amendments set out in this order.