Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
National Assembly, Government of Vietnam
Overall Summary: 
This Law establishes provisions on the economical and efficient use of energy; policies and measures to promote economical and efficient use of energy; and the rights, obligations and responsibilities of organizations, households and individuals in economical and efficient use of energy.
Energy access priorities: 
Energy use strategies, master plans and programs must meet the following requirements: a/ To supply energy stably and safely; ; [...]
Energy access action plan: 
Investing in and upgrading rural electric grids up to standards and technical regulations for power safety and power loss reduction.
EE priorities: 
Application of measures to use energy economically and efficiently for socio-economic development is a top priority.---Energy use strategies, master plans and programs must meet the following requirements: [...] to rationally and economically use energy resources;[...] To promote economical and efficient use of energy,[...].--- Planning on and organization of agricultural production must meet requirements on economical and efficient use of energy.---The Government shall uniformly perform the state management of economical and efficient use of energy nationwide.
EE action plans: 
To provide financial support and energy price subsidy and other necessary incentives to promote economical and efficient use of energy.---To encourage the use of energy-saving devices and equipment; to implement an energy labeling roadmap; to step by step eliminate devices and equipment of backdated technologies and low energy yield.---To encourage the development of counseling services; [...] To devise and implement a roadmap to manufacture energy-saving devices, equipment and construction materials.---Industrial producers shall: Elaborate and implement annual plans on economical and efficient use of energy; incorporate energy management programs with their programs on quality control, cleaner production and environmental protection; select and apply advanced production management processes and models, appropriate technological measures and equipment and technologies with high energy yield. use substitute energies with higher efficiency in production lines; [...] To gradually eliminate devices and equipment with outdated and energy-intensive technologies under the Prime Minister's regulations.---Modernizing lines for production, processing and subcontract production of products and goods; replacing equipment with outdated technologies and low energy yield to save energy and protect the environment;---Making use of redundant heat emitted from steam boilers and smelting and baking furnaces and emitted hot steam for production and life; Taking technical measures to reduce energy loss in electricity and heat supply systems. ---Applying reasonable mining processes to reduce consumption of fuels, electricity and water supplied to mining devices and equipment.--- Electricity transmission and distribution units shall elaborate programs, plans and norms on and specify roadmaps for power loss reduction in the electricity transmission and distribution system;---Fuel exploiters and suppliers shall use safe and appropriate depots and vehicles to reduce fuel loss and present environmental pollution and energy waste;---Coal, oil and gas exploiters shall adopt plans to salvage associated gas and other energy resources.---Organizations, households and individuals conducting agricultural production shall select the following measures for economical and efficient use of energy: a/ Applying scientific research and technological improvements to reach high energy yield for equipment for production, subcontract production, processing, preservation and transportation of agricultural products; b/ Using clean and renewable energy equipment and technologies in the production, subcontract production, processing, preservation and transportation of agricultural products and trade development; c/ Eliminate under roadmaps agricultural and fishing means, equipment and machinery with outdated technologies and low energy yield under regulations of competent state agencies;--Owners of hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, shops, and entertainment, physical training and sports establishments and other service providers shall: 1. Economically and efficiently use energy in construction, lighting and management of devices and equipment; 2. Limit the use of high-capacity and power-intensive equipment during peak hours for lighting, decoration and advertising; 3. Control, repair and maintain energy-consuming devices and equipment to reduce energy loss in service provision.---Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the scope of their tasks and powers, guide the implementation of this Law's provisions on economical and efficient use of energy in service provision and households. Within the scope of their tasks and powers, People's Committees at different levels shall: a/ Propagate and mobilize service providers and households to apply measures for economical and efficient use of energy; b/ Manage local service providers' observance of regulations on economical and efficient use of energy: c/ Mobilize households to apply the model of economical and efficient use of energy; and join activities in economical use of energy.---Annually, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall direct their state budget-funded agencies and units in elaborating and implementing plans on economical and efficient use of energy, [...].
EE standards for appliances: 
The State shall apply the following measures for economical and efficient use of energy for devices and equipment: 1. Elaborating and announcing standards on energy yield, minimum energy yield for energy-consuming devices and equipment; 2. Labeling energy-consuming devices and equipment; 3. Publicizing necessary information on energy use of devices and equipment;
EE lighting and mechanical system standards: 
Apply technical measures and workshop architecture to make the optimal use of lighting, ventilation and cooling systems: to make the best use of natural light and ventilation.---Ensuring that public lighting systems are designed by standards and technical regulations for each work and area; prioritizing the use of high-yield lighting equipment that uses renewable energy and makes use of natural light; 2. Using lighting equipment recognized as energy-saving products when repairing, replacing or installing public lighting equipment; 3. Operating public lighting systems appropriately by day time, season, region and area.
EE labeling: 
The State shall apply the following measures for economical and efficient use of energy for devices and equipment:[...] 2. Labeling energy-consuming devices and equipment;
EE industry standards: 
Industrial producers shall:[...]Apply standards, technical regulations and norms on energy use provided by competent state agencies; [...] To operate, upgrade and maintain devices and equipment of production lines to prevent energy loss.
EE building standards: 
Applying planning and architectural designing solutions suitable to natural conditions in order to reduce energy consumption for lighting, ventilation, cooling and heating. ---Using heat-insulated materials conformable with applicable national or foreign standards on energy yield announced or recognized by competent state agencies in order to reduce thermal transmission through walls, roofs, doors and windows.---Using and installing devices and equipment with high energy yield which are designed and manufactured in conformity with applicable national or foreign standards on energy yield announced or recognized by competent state agencies.---Installing electric and thermal measuring devices, temperature controllers and controllers of electric and thermal supply systems in different positions of buildings suitable to weather conditions and use purposes.---Using energy-saving building materials and non-baked materials, installing devices using solar energy and biogas in construction works.---Applying standards, technical regulations and norms on economical and efficient use of energy to construction works.
EE transport standards : 
Organizations and individuals are encouraged to provide consultancy on and design and invest in the development of mass transit networks: manufacture and use energy-saving vehicles; exploit and expand the application of liquefied gas, natural gas, electricity, mixed fuels and biofuels in replacement of petrol and oil.---2. Transport service providers shall select and take the following measures: a/ Optimizing transport routes and vehicles in order to raise energy use efficiency; b/ Elaborating and applying regulations on maintenance and repair of vehicles under their management to reduce fuel consumption: c/ Applying technological, managerial and organizational solutions to transport for economical and efficient use of energy. 3. When building or upgrading transport works, investors and contractors shall: a/ Apply solutions for economical and efficient use of energy under approved projects; b/ Apply measures for economical and efficient use of energy to work construction.
EE financial incentives: 
Organizations and individuals that manufacture energy-saving products and invest in production lines or expand production with energy-saving technologies are entitled to the following incentives and supports: a/ Incentives on import and export duties and enterprise income tax under the tax law; b/ Incentives under the land law; c/ Concessional loans from the development bank, the fund for science and technology development support, the national fund for technological renovation and the environment facility and supports from the national programs on hi-tech development and economical and efficient use of energy; d/ Other incentives under this Law and relevant laws.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
[...] rationally invest in information dissemination, education and support for organizations, households and individuals to use energy economically and efficiently.---Projects promoting economical and efficient use of energy shall be considered for financial support from the national program on economical and efficient use of energy.---The State encourages and creates favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to carry out the following activities: 1. Propagating and mobilizing to raise awareness about the observance of the law on economical and efficient use of energy: 2. Incorporating education about economical and efficient use of energy into school curricula in appropriate forms; 3. Providing energy consultancy services
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
to develop renewable energy suitable to Vietnam's potential and conditions, contributing to ensuring energy security and environmental protection.---Energy use strategies, master plans and programs must meet the following requirements: [...] Prioritize reasonable development of clean energy technologies and raise renewable energy use rates;
RE action plans: 
Organizations, households and individuals conducting agricultural production shall select the following measures for economical and efficient use of energy: b/ Using clean and renewable energy equipment and technologies in the production, subcontract production, processing, preservation and transportation of agricultural products and trade development;
Energy environmental priorities: 
Principles of economical and efficient use of energy 1. To conform with energy strategies and master plans and policies on energy security and environmental protection. [...].---to develop renewable energy suitable to Vietnam's potential and conditions, contributing to ensuring energy security and environmental protection.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Industrial producers shall:[...] incorporate energy management programs with their programs on quality control, cleaner production and environmental protection;
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
Rationally developing under planning material plantation areas for biofuel production.
Energy-water nexus: 
Measures for economical and efficient use of energy applicable to irrigation 1. Rationally planning irrigation systems. optimizing reservoirs and canals and making use of natural flows. 2. Rationally operating and exploiting capacity of pumps in pump stations for water supply and drainage of irrigation systems.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Energy use strategies, master plans and programs must meet the following requirements: [...] To estimate energy supply and demand in conformity with socio-economic development strategies, master plans and plans; to harmoniously and proportionally combine coal, oil and gas, and electricity planning with other energy planning:---Encouraging production using local resources of water and wind power, sunlight, biogas, agricultural by-products and other renewable energy resources.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Electricity transmission and distribution units shall elaborate programs, plans and norms on and specify roadmaps for power loss reduction in the electricity transmission and distribution system;---Investing in and upgrading rural electric grids up to standards and technical regulations for power safety and power loss reduction.
Energy trade priorities: 
Fuel exploiters and suppliers shall use safe and appropriate depots and vehicles to reduce fuel loss and present environmental pollution and energy waste;
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
Devices, equipment, components and supplies for research to develop energy-saving technologies and products, fuel-saving vehicles and those using liquefied gas. natural gas, electricity and mixed fuels and biofuels which are domestically unavailable and on the list provided by the Government are entitled to import duty exemption or reduction under the tax law.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[...] rationally invest in information dissemination, education and support for organizations, households and individuals to use energy economically and efficiently.
Energy management principles: 
People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities (below referred to as provincial-level People's Committees) shall uniformly apply measures to closely manage and control the observance of regulations on economical and efficient use of energy in construction activities in their localities.
National policy structure: 
The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry' and Trade and concerned ministries and ministerial-level agencies in. promulgating energy use norms and technical regulations on designing, construction and building materials for economical and efficient use of energy.---Annually, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall direct their state budget-funded agencies and units in elaborating and implementing plans on economical and efficient use of energy, [...].
Statistics collection and management: 
The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the state management agency in charge of statistical work in, submitting to the Government for promulgation statistical indicators on energy use within the national statistical indicator system under this Law and the law on statistical work.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
To increase investment in, diversify resource-raising forms to promote, scientific research, development and application of advanced technologies using energy economically and efficiently;
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Energy use strategies, master plans and programs must meet the following requirements: [...] Prioritize reasonable development of clean energy technologies.--- Industrial producers shall: [...] select and apply advanced production management processes and models, appropriate technological measures and equipment and technologies with high energy yield; use substitute energies with higher efficiency in production lines; ---Applying cogeneration technologies to processors, subcontract producers and producers of products and goods with potential to develop additional electric and thermal charges.---Elaborating and implementing plans to replace outdated technologies: installing new-generation tool machines of modern and highly automated technologies:---Installing inverters and electric motor speed controllers for bridge cranes, lifting equipment and vehicles in workshops based on their capacity; rationally arranging production lines to save energy.---Applying energy-saving technologies to mineral screening, sorting, processing and transportation;
Advanced fuel extraction technology: 
Rationally developing under planning material plantation areas for biofuel production.
R&D energy efficiency: 
To increase investment in, diversify resource-raising forms to promote, scientific research, development and application of advanced technologies using energy economically and efficiently; --- The State encourages and creates favorable conditions for organizations and individuals conducting scientific research, application and development of technologies using energy economically and efficiently.