Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Government of Kiribati
Overall Summary: 
The Vision of the Kiribati National Energy Policy is “available, accessible, reliable, affordable, clean and sustainable energy options for the enhancement of economic growth and improvement of livelihoods in Kiribati". It aims to provide a general policy, which satisfies the need to have a single comprehensive and balanced document to administer all energy and energy-related activities. More importantly, it provides a predictable and explicit framework within which public and private energy sector participants can make informed planning and investment decisions to manage their operations.
Energy access priorities: 
Equitable access and distribution of energy developments is a fundamental requirement for the achievement of core national development goals, such as economic development and improvement of livelihoods, health, education, and gender equality. [...].---It is envisaged that the KNEP will provide the guidance and necessary ingredients to provide sustainable energy services. Affordability is a significant component to access to energy services and Government is mindful of this with respect to the different communities. It is with the intention that KNEP will provide the framework that would enable the various communities provide for their energy needs. ---Ensure the delivery of efficient and effective energy services.---Efficient, reliable, affordable and safe electricity is essential for the economic and social development in Kiribati.---Encourage and improve the provision of sustainable energy access to households, communities and institutions.---[petroleum] Ensure a secure, reliable and cost effective supply to all islands.
Energy access action plan: 
Promote the introduction of best-practice regulations and standards for the safe and reliable supply, generation, transmission and distribution of power.---Ensure an appropriate tariff structure considering affordability for the outer island electrification.
Consumer subsidies: 
Ensure an appropriate tariff structure considering affordability for the outer island electrification.---Encourage the application of appropriate technologies and incentives to enable rural dwellers access to energy.
EE priorities: 
Encourage conservation and efficient end-use [of petroleum].---Introduce and encourage implementation of energy efficiency and conservation programmes.
EE action plans: 
Promote supply side and demand side management measures.---Promote the use of environmentally friendly and fuel efficient vehicles.
EE standards for appliances: 
Introduce and enforce the use of energy efficient appliances and equipment.
EE transport standards : 
Encourage the use of alternative fuels such as biofuels (coconut oil).
EE financial incentives: 
Introduce appropriate incentive packages including taxes, duties and tariffs to encourage efficient energy use.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Promote public awareness and education in energy efficiency and conservation measures.---Promote public awareness and educational programmes in good transport management practices.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Establish coordination for the implementation of climate change mitigation activities in the utilisation of renewable energy resources.---Encourage the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources for power generation.---Promote sustainable renewable energy development
RE action plans: 
Promote and encourage the use of appropriate renewable energy technologies.---Expedite the replication of successful solar programmes. ---Encourage the use of alternative fuels such as biofuels (coconut oil).
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Introduce appropriate incentive packages including taxes, duties and tariffs to encourage use of renewable energy technologies.
Cooperation in RE: 
Strengthen collaboration with development partners for the advancement of renewable energy programmes.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Minimise the adverse impact of energy production, distribution and consumption on the environment.---[...] all energy initiatives will need to seriously consider environmental issues and in particular the impact of energy projects on land, water and air. Any proposed energy development will include an environmental impact assessment. ---Establish coordination for the implementation of climate change mitigation activities in the utilisation of renewable energy resources.---Ensure compliance to legislations and regulations established under the Environment Act and other related legislations.---Ensure minimal detrimental impacts of energy development and usage on the outer island environment and communities.---Ensure that storage facilities, handling and transportation of products conform to national and international safety and environmental standards.
Pollution control action plans: 
Enforce appropriate measures to minimise the importation of second-hand vehicles
Decarbonization strategy: 
Promote training and awareness programmes on the risks associated with the use of petroleum products.---Promote awareness programmes on the impact of energy use on the local ecosystem and biodiversity.---Promote public awareness and educational programmes in good transport management practices. ---Promote the use of public land transport like buses and passenger trucks.---Encourage the use of non-motorised and traditional transportation systems.---Promote the use of environmentally friendly and fuel efficient vehicles.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
Ensure that the limited biomass (inclusive of biofuels) resources are used in an economical, environmental and culturally sustainable manner.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Encourage the application of appropriate technologies and incentives to enable rural dwellers access to energy. ---Introduce appropriate incentive packages including taxes, duties and tariffs to encourage use of renewable energy technologies.
Energy pricing: 
Encourage an appropriate tariff structure.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
[...] the development of locally available energy resources to ensure a sustainable supply of energy is of utmost importance.---[petroleum] Ensure a secure, reliable and cost effective supply to all islands.---Ensure that storage facilities, handling and transportation of products conform to national and international safety and environmental standards.---Improve the capacity of storage facilities to maintain supply security. [petroleum].
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Ensure the coordination of energy requirements for any major infrastructure development.
Investment climate development: 
Encourage private sector participation in the power sector.---Encourage human capacity development to the private sector for implementing and operating applicable and sustainable renewable energy technologies.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Strengthen the operations of the public and private energy service entities in promoting and implementing renewable energy technologies.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Encourage competitive bidding for the supply of petroleum products.
Energy management principles: 
The Energy Planning Unit (EPU), through the KNEP, will facilitate training needs analysis to establish the energy sector’s human and institutional capacity development requirements.---Gender equity: [...] Attention shall be given to ensure that energy programmes that are developed and implemented strike a balance between social and economic development needs of the population. ---Improve decision-making processes and encourage a more effective coordination of energy sector activities.---Ensure the delivery of efficient and effective energy services.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Encourage the application of appropriate technologies and incentives to enable rural dwellers access to energy. ---Promote and encourage the use of appropriate renewable energy technologies.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Strengthen the operations of the public and private energy service entities in promoting and implementing renewable energy technologies.---Encourage human capacity development to the private sector for implementing and operating applicable and sustainable renewable energy technologies.