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Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Overall Summary: 
The Seventh Five-year NSEDP(2011-2015) is a continuation of the the Sixth Five-year NSEDP and it has an important role in realizing the Ninth Party Congress Resolution, and is regarded as a measure for achieving socio-economic development and the industrialization and the modernization between now and the year 2020. It is also expected to create new changes through taking firm steps, to move the country out of its least-developed country status by 2020, and widen and deepen regional and international integration.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Raise foreign grants and soft loans for efficient use in creating power-generating capacity and related infrastructure[...].
Energy access priorities: 
Expansion of lines to meet the twin objectives of supplying electricity domestically for country’s development, and export.
Energy access action plan: 
Expand medium voltage lines of 22 KV, and off-grid electricity to remote rural regions presently not having electricity,[...] Carry out integration of power grids between the Northern-Central and the Southern parts of the country, with the 115 KV transmission lines systems and strive to connect 500 KV transmission line system with neighbouring countries, especially Thailand and Vietnam.---Continue implementing the 22KV electrification project in six villages, Soukouma district, Champassack, costing 8.5 billion Kip from the government’s budget and aimed to be complete by 2012; and complete projects for which contracts have already been signed (PDA) and work is under construction, such as Nam Geum 3 (costing 8,916 billion Kip, to be completed before 2016). Implement 500KV electrification project in 10 Northern provinces costs 535.5 billion kip. Besides, some mining projects are also prioritised, such as Salaco Project (Bauxite) in Champassack province; aluminium mining project in Attapeu province; Phubia mining; and gold and copper mining at Sepon (see appendix for further details) and other projects. ----Develop energy and power industries to ensure sufficient energy for domestic demand and energy security. [...]
Energy access targets: 
Hydroelectricity: Construct medium and large hydropower projects in the Northern, Central and the Southern parts to have enough electricity meet the domestic demand by the year 2012. ---Expand medium voltage lines of 22 KV, and off-grid electricity to remote rural regions presently not having electricity, so that 80% of the total households across the country can use electricity by 2015. [...]
EE priorities: 
Technology in [...] energy, and mining shall be used to reduce costs and save on energy consumption. ---To effectively utilise natural resources for ensuring its sustainable exploitation; at the same time, foster new scientific techniques[...] use energy saving devices, and economise on raw material use per unit output.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Development in the power sector is focussed on using, developing, and expanding hydro sources, [...] renewable energy for environmental friendly;
RE targets: 
Hydroelectricity: Construct medium and large hydropower projects in the Northern, Central and the Southern parts to have enough electricity meet the domestic demand by the year 2012.
RE action plans: 
During the period 2011-2015, complete construction of 8 power stations with an installed capacity of 2,862 MW which will be produce energy 15,321 GWH per year and construction of 10 additional projects adding up to 5,015 MW of hydropower and costing US$ 11,295 million. ---Generate power from large-sized hydropower stations along the Mekong River and its brunches, [...].---Concentrate on constructing small hydropower dams that have economic effectiveness
Energy environmental priorities: 
Improve the legal and regulatory system concerning the environment (i.e. greenhouse gases and environment-friendly technologies).
Pollution control action plans: 
Project on research and promotion of alternative sources of energy to reduce greenhouse gas;
Decarbonization strategy: 
Collaborate with different sectors, namely agriculture, forestry, energy, meteorology, urban planning, industry and health to conduct interdisciplinary research on the impact of climatic change and the source of greenhouse gases, and find appropriate methods for mitigating the impact. Effort will be made to incorporate this into the Five-year Plan, and then draw up strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change, along with sectoral planning and the poverty reduction strategy.
Carbon markets: 
Establish a clean development mechanism (CDM) and carbon credit (C), for ensuring maximum benefit to Lao PDR.
Cooperation in env.: 
Raise funds for weather forecast and management at necessary levels by urging all international development partners to contribute to the environment protection fund, and also provide technical assistance for protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse gases.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Generate power from large-sized hydropower stations along the Mekong River and its brunches, and additionally generate thermal energy from lignite (Hongsa, in Xayaboury Province).
Energy mix: 
Development in the power sector is focussed on using, developing, and expanding hydro sources, coal and renewable energy for environmental friendly;
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Expansion of lines to meet the twin objectives of supplying electricity domestically for country’s development, and export. ---Expand medium voltage lines of 22 KV, and off-grid electricity to remote rural regions presently not having electricity,[...] Carry out integration of power grids between the Northern-Central and the Southern parts of the country, with the 115 KV transmission lines systems [...].
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
[S]trive to connect 500 KV transmission line system with neighbouring countries, especially Thailand and Vietnam.---Expand electricity networks to reach power generated in the country to foreign countries, for boosting exports and widening markets.
Regional integration priorities: 
Energy and mining sector[...] Lift up living standard of people and become battery of ASEAN. ---To promote cooperation between countries within the Great Mekong Sub-region (GMS) framework by focusing on ‘GMS Development’ within the Vientiane Action Plan for 2009- 2012 to foster the economic growth, alleviate poverty, promote social development and protect the environment. The focus of the Vientiane Action Plan is to implement priority projects in transportation, energy, agriculture, investment, trade facilitation, human resource development, environment and tourism. The focus tasks:
Project permitting: 
Give out mining concessions in a transparent manner following internationally set standards and maximize national benefits from them.
Investment climate development: 
Raise foreign grants and soft loans for efficient use in creating power-generating capacity and related infrastructure[...].---Improve policies, laws, regulations, coordination mechanisms and procedures. The scrutiny of documents by government officials will be faster and more transparent, to attract more investment in the sector.
Energy management principles: 
Improve organisation of the energy and mining sector, and increase efficiency of all staff at all levels from centre to local levels for its personnel to make this sector grow rapidly. ---Develop the electricity and mineral sectors in tandem to seek synergies if any, for boosting socio-economic development.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Researching on new technology that is environment-friendly and user-friendly (to especially) farmers, including:[...]bio-diesel, biogas, hydro-energy, energy created from wind power, and solar energy;
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Project on research and promotion of alternative sources of energy to reduce greenhouse gas; Project on research and development of bio-energy; [...]
R&D renewable energy: 
Researching on new technology that is environment-friendly and user-friendly (to especially) farmers, including:[...]bio-diesel, biogas, hydro-energy, energy created from wind power, and solar energy;
Industrialization support: 
Technology in [...] energy, and mining shall be used to reduce costs and save on energy consumption. ---In industry, the focus will be on [...] tapping hydropower and coal-based energy, processing of highly valued wood, and establishing industrial zones, among others.