Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Guideline
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Government of Sri Lanka
Overall Summary: 
These General Policy Guidelines derive from the prescription of the Section 5 of the Sri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 20 of 2009 whereby the Minister of Power and Energy shall have the power to formulate general policy guidelines in respect of the electricity industry and these guidelines are to be forwarded to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval. The existing National Energy Policy and Strategies of Sri Lanka as published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 1553/10 on 10th June 2008 gave guidance in formulating the General Policy Guidelines. The Guidelines address rural electrification, fuel diversity, electricity tariffs, generation and distribution, financing, compensation and safety, consumer services and exemptions from licensing.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Private sector participation will be welcome in generation projects, but major source of funds for all transmission and distribution development will be from international/bilateral donor agencies. Major hydro power generation will be under the auspices of the GOSL. ---Off grid electrification schemes will mostly be small projects based on indigenous renewable resources. GOSL will continue to fund selected projects to ensure their viability.
Energy access priorities: 
Adequate generation should be added to fully meet the growing demand for base and peak loads. Reliability of supply should be maintained at a level determined by the PUCSL from time to time.
Energy access action plan: 
Power system will be operated in a manner ensuring optimum utilization of transmission and distributions system assets to achieve effective delivery of electricity to consumers. [...]---Giving emphasis to the need of expanding the current modalities of providing basic electricity requirements of the entire population through the grid extension and through off-grid systems, a systematic action plan shall be prepared by the Ministry of Power & Energy (MOP) and reviewed by the PUCSL for prudent use of funds. This plan should identify areas for development of off-grid schemes.---1. Construction of rural electrification projects should be carried out in a least cost manner that will ensure maximum benefit to the community and utilize the rural electrification funds optimally. Wherever possible, community participation in the construction work of rural electrification· projects should be encouraged to reduce the cost and to ensure that the community has better accessibility to RE schemes.---Off grid electrification schemes will mostly be small projects based on indigenous renewable resources. GOSL will continue to fund selected projects to ensure their viability.
Consumer subsidies: 
The lifeline tariff to domestic consumers will be limited to Samurdi Beneficiaries and to a monthly household consumption of 30 kWh. The related subsidy component estimated at 50% of the cost of supply will be fully financed through Government grants.---A tariff policy shall be formulated by the PUCSL with the objective of supplying electricity to all categories of consumers at reasonable prices while ensuring financial viability of the sector. Fundamental changes to the tariff structure may be necessary to take into account the development of the industrial sector while giving due recognition to other sectors.
EE priorities: 
Transmission and distribution energy losses {the sum of technical and non-technical losses) in the Electricity Sector will be gradually brought down. Every effort will be made to expedite the loss reduction program. ---GOSL recognizes the significant potential for energy savings and considers implementing energy conservation measures as very important. Energy saving through Demand Side Management shall be considered a priority.---GOSL is mindful that reduction of non-technical losses in the distribution systems is of utmost importance.
EE action plans: 
Present system control procedures for optimal operation of the integrated hydro-thermal power system shall be further developed. Multi purpose nature of hydropower reservoirs, wherever applicable, shall be considered in optimization procedures to take into account the national interest.---Pragmatic estimates will be prepared on the potential energy savings in industrial, commercial, government and residential sectors separately in each licensee operational area and action plans will be implemented to meet the targets. Progress of these projects will be monitored with reference to action plans and all results will be published.---Power system will be operated in a manner ensuring optimum utilization of transmission and distributions system assets to achieve effective delivery of electricity to consumers. Special emphasis will be laid on reducing technical losses to optimum levels in transmission and distribution systems through viable investments.---Average electricity price to each category of consumers will be gradually made cost reflective. A conducive environment will be created to fully utilize the Demand .Side Management (DSM} opportunities arising from this change.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Present system control procedures for optimal operation of the integrated hydro-thermal power system shall be further developed. Multi purpose nature of hydropower reservoirs, wherever applicable, shall be considered in optimization procedures to take into account the national interest.
Energy pricing: 
A tariff policy shall be formulated by the PUCSL with the objective of supplying electricity to all categories of consumers at reasonable prices while ensuring financial viability of the sector. Fundamental changes to the tariff structure may be necessary to take into account the development of the industrial sector while giving due recognition to other sectors. ---Average electricity price to each category of consumers will be gradually made cost reflective. A conducive environment will be created to fully utilize the Demand .Side Management (DSM} opportunities arising from this change.---1. Electricity generation prices at bulk purchase points will be as stated in the Power Purchase Agreements and the cost of transmission, distribution and supply will be regulated ensuring fairness to both consumers and licensees. Consumers and all other stakeholders other than the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL} will be given opportunities to present their views at a public hearing. Ministry of Power & Energy shall be consulted before approving the tariff in order to ensure that public views have been taken into consideration before finalizing the tariff.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
The Electricity sector shall rapidly move from the present (hydro-power and oil) status to a multiple resource status. To ensure maximum possible security against price and supply fluctuations, and to ensure the growing demand is reliably met, this third fuel shall be coal. The first step in this direction has already been taken with the commencement of work on the Puttalam coal power plant. Non-conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) that is inherently indigenous shall be the fourth resource in this diversification and security strategy.---Adequate generation should be added to fully meet the growing demand for base and peak loads. Reliability of supply should be maintained at a level determined by the PUCSL from time to time.
Energy mix: 
The Electricity sector shall rapidly move from the present (hydro-power and oil) status to a multiple resource status. To ensure maximum possible security against price and supply fluctuations, and to ensure the growing demand is reliably met, this third fuel shall be coal. The first step in this direction has already been taken with the commencement of work on the Puttalam coal power plant. Non-conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) that is inherently indigenous shall be the fourth resource in this diversification and security strategy.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Effective and diligent planning of transmission and distribution systems is a pre-requisite for a secure and a reliable power system. Whilst GOSL is confident that local expertise is available in the sector to carry out the planning functions satisfactorily, encouragement will be given to strengthen these areas by way of technical/monetary assistance from donor agencies.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Rehabilitation/ new investment decisions will be made, to improve electricity generation and transmission efficiency, guided by information gathered from continuous measurement of energy entering and leaving specific power system components.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Effective and diligent planning of transmission and distribution systems is a pre-requisite for a secure and a reliable power system. Whilst GOSL is confident that local expertise is available in the sector to carry out the planning functions satisfactorily, encouragement will be given to strengthen these areas by way of technical/monetary assistance from donor agencies.
Investment climate development: 
Private sector participation will be welcome in generation projects, but major source of funds for all transmission and distribution development will be from international/bilateral donor agencies. Major hydro power generation will be under the auspices of the GOSL. ---Embedded generation projects will be encouraged through the private sector and GOSL will provide all assistance to obtain funds from donor agencies to local entrepreneurs.
Energy management principles: 
A multi sector approach shall be adopted in preparation of the national power demand forecast. Wider consultation of stakeholders in different economic sectors should be made. Considering the disparity in electricity consumption on District/Regional levels, corresponding demand forecasts may be made to arrive at the national level forecast.[...].
Clean energy technology priorities: 
In planning generation expansion, appropriate technologies may be considered to suit the differing characteristics of base and peak loads. Peak loads are characterized by high demand for short durations.