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WHEREAS. under Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA), it is the declared policy of the State to among others, promote the utilization , of indigenous and new and renewable energy resources in power generation 1i11 order to r,educe dependence on Imported energy, and ensure the quality, reliability, security arid affordability of the supply of electric power;
WH EREAS, Section 37 of EPIRA mandates the Department o,f Energy (DOE) to encourage private sector investments and broaden the ownership base jn the electric power industry and promote the development of indigenous and renewable energy, resources;
WHEREAS, Section 2 of Republic Act No. 95131 otherwise known as the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RE Act), declares as a policy of the State to:
(a) Accelerate the exploration and development of renewable energy resources such as, but not limited to, biomass, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and ocean energy resources, including hybrid systems, to achieve energy self-reliance. through the adoption of sustainable energy development strategies to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and thereby minimize the country's exposure to price fluctuations in the international markets the effects of which spiral dawn to almost all sectors of the economy;
(b) Increase the utilization of renewable energy by institutionalizing the development of national and local capabilities in the use of renewable energy systems, and promoting its efficient and cost-effective commercial application by providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives; and
(c) Encourage the development and utilization of renewable energy resources as tools to effectively prevent or reduce harmful; emissions and thereby balance the goals of economic growth an.d development with the protection of health and the environment;
WHEREAS,Section 5 of the RE Act mandates he DOE as the lea, d agency to implement the provisions, o f the RE Act, while Section 37 of EPIRA empowers th,e DOE to supervise the restructuring of the electric power industry, in addition to its existing powers and functions;
WHEREAS 1 Section 7 of the RE Act provides for a feed-in tariff {FIT) system for electricity Droduoed from wlnd, solar, ocean, run-of river hydropower and biomass to accelerate the development of emerging renewable energy resources;
WHEREAS; Section 20 of the RE Act allows qualified and registered RE generating units with intermittent RE resources to be considered as "Must Dispatch" based on available energy and sall enjoy the benefit of priority dispatch;
WHEREAS, the implementation of the Must Dispatch and Priority Dispatch requires guidelines that will ensure maximum injection of intermittent and FIT eligible generation while maintaining system security at all times;
WHEREAS, the DOE spearheaded public consultations and focused group discussions on the Guidelines for the Integration of Renewable Energy In the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) in the following areas with the corresponding dates:
| | AREA | DATE |
PEMC Offices Ortigas Center. Pasig | 06 March 2014 |
Bacolod City | 04 April 2014 |
Mandaluyong City | 11 April 2014 |
NOW1 THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the DOE hereby declares the herein framework for the implementation of Must Dispatch and Priority Dispatch of RE resources in the WESM:
PART 1. General Provisions
Section 1. Scope .and Application. This Ci cu lar shall apply to all agencies and entities named herein and all electric power industry participants in the country.
Section2..Purposes.T1hls Circular is being issued to:
(a) Define Must Dispatch and Priority Dispatch pursuant to the RE act including the high level process for the qualification, certification, and registration of generating unJtS designated as must dispatch and priority dispatch (collectively referred to .as Preferential Dispatch Generating Units), and
(b) Provide the framework for the integration in the WESM of Preferential Dispatch Generating Units consistent with the goals of the EPIRA and the RE Act.
Section 3. Statement of Policy. Pursuant to the RE Act, intermittent RE resources including FIT eligible generation shall be allowed to maximize injection to the grid while:
(a) Maintainin9 system security at all times:
(b) Maintaining economically efficient short run dispatch o f energy and ancillary services:
and (c) Holding WESM partlcipants to account for what they ar,e able to control.
Section 4. Definition of Must Dispatch, and Priority Dispatch. The terms as used in this Circular shall have their respecit!ive meanings as follows:
(a) Must Dispatch is facilitated in the WESM by qualified and registeried intermittent RE based plants, whether or not under FIT s.ystem, such as wind, solar, run-of river hydro, or ocean energy, according to the preference in the dispatch schedule whenever generation is available. The enjoyment of Must Dispatch by intermittent RE-ba·sed plants is based on th,e difficulty to pr,ecisely predict the availabiHty of RE resourde thereby making the energy generated variable and irregu ar and the availability, of resource inherently u ncontro llab le pursuant to section 20 of the RE Act
(b) " Priority Dispatch" means giving preference to biomass plants, under the Fl system, in the dispatch schedule pursuant to Section 7 of the RE Act.
Section 5. QuaUfication and Registration, of Preferential Dispatch, Generating Unitis Units. Pursuant to Section 26 of the RE Act, the DOE shall issue certifications to quallfled RE developers who are entitled to avail, of lie incentives under the RE Act. Such certification together with the Certificate of Compliance (COC) issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERG) for generating facilUies availing of preferential d,ispatch shall be used for purposes of re gistrat ion in the WESM.
To ensure the efficient and efFiedive scheduling and dispatching of the Preferentfa.l Dispatch Gener-ating Units the PEMC, the NGCP, and Distribution Utilities shall have the followin,g general mandate in the implementationof this Circular
Section 6. Responslblntiesof PEMC.
(a) Und ertak·e the necessary amendments in the WESM Rules and pertinent Market Manuals to implement Must Dispatch and Priorlty Dispatch of eligible renewable energy plants in the WESM
(b) Formulate the pr,ocedures ,on the qualification and regtstration of Preferential Dispatch Generating Units in the WESM;
(c) Monitor th1e compliance of intermittent RE generation companfes on the submission of projected ou(put for each of its generating units pursuan to the WESM Rules and on the approved forecast aocuracy standards consistent with the Philippine Grid Code (PGC). The annual compliance of the RE generation compantes' facilities on the forecast accuracy standards shall be reported by PEMC to the PEM Board and the DOE;
(d) Conduct information campaigns on the implementaUon of Must Dispatch and Priority Dispatch in the WESM; and
(e) Jointly with the NGCP, implemen technical mitigation measures and improvements in the system in order to ensure safety and reliability of electricity transmission.
Section 7. Responsibilities of NGCP.
(a) Determine, through technical and economic analysis, the maximum penetration limi of 1ntenT1ittent RE based power p'lants or Must Dispatch generating units to the grid, in consultation with stakeholders:
(b) En sure maximum dispatch of generati:>n from intermittent RE plaints in acoordance with the PGC, and subjed to the availability of sufficient operattng, re erves. Towards this end, NGCP is enjoined to obtain sufficient operating reserves at all times.
(c) Joint ly with the PEMC, implement technical mittga:tion measures and improvements in thesystem in order to ensure safety and reHabiliti of electricity transmlssion;
(d) Require and witness the conduct of technical t"0sts to ,ensure, generatars' compliance with the performanoe standards as prescribed in the PGC;
(e) Produce and submit to, the PEMC tie RE aggregated generation forecast for each
(f) In terconnected system H operates. These forecasts shall cover at least 24 hours and will be updated with the periodicity which the NGCP considers suitable bu at least, once every trading period as irndicated in 'the WESM Rules:
(g) Endeavor to operate the Must Dispa:tc:h genera ing units in frae,e active power production control mode. However, if the NGCP considers it necessary for redispatch 1n order to ma· ntain the security and reliability of the grid, the NGCP may fnstrucl. intermittent RE based generators to change the Act:1ve Power or immediate disc-0nnection of their generators as prescribed in the PGC;
(h) Submi't to PEMC ,an operational report induding all instructions issued to the generators which resulted in a change in the active power production; and
(i) Determine and lncorpor.ate rn the Transmission Development Plan the necessary upgrading of 1i ts transmission facmlles to ensure non-discriminatory access of all grid connected Preferential Dispatch Generating· Units.
For this purpose, intermittent RE resources is defined, under Section 20 of the RE Act and also refe, rred to as intermittent RE-based power plants or Must Dispatch generating units which include variable RE resources or VRE as described in the revised PGC.
Section 8. Responsibilities of Distribution Utilities.
a) Determine and inc-0rporate in the Distribution Development Plan the .necessary upgrading of its distribution facilities to ensure non-discriminatory access of all embedded Preferential Dispatch Generating Units: and
b) Ensure that embedded Preferential Dispatch Generating Units shall be given priority to inject into the distributions network.
Section 9. Compliance- to WESM Rules. All Preferential Dispatch Generating Units shall
Strictly comply with:
(a) The submission of projected output for each of its generating units for each trading Interval in each trading day of the week In accordance with the timetable;
(b) The revision of projected output for any trading interval , if hey no longer represent a reasonable estimate of: (i) the expected availability of the relevant generating unit for that trading ,interval; or (ii) the offers ,likely to apply for the real time dispatch optimization of that tradi1n g interval and
'{c) Other relevant provisions d the WESM Rules and its Market Manuals that may be established or revised in relation to the provisions of preferential' dispatch.
Section 1o. Dispatch 'Prioritization. Jointly and in consultation with the WESM Members, the PEMC and the NGCP shall update the Dispatch Protocol established in the WESM Rules and its Mari<et Manuals to consider the ionowing hierarchy of dispatch schedule and implementation:
(a) Minimum stable load or Pmin of all Conventional Generating Units;
(b) Must-Dispatch Generating Units;
(c) Priority Dispatch Generating Units ;
(d) Non-scheduled Generating Units; and
(e} Scheduled Generating Units;
Notwithstanding the aforementioned hierarchy, the NGCP' shall al ways consid1er technical parameters and limitations ,of the transmission facilities giving priority to the reliability and security of the Grid during its dispatch implementation in case the Preferential Dispatch
Generating Units are connected to a common constrained transmission facil1ty1 the following hierarchy of scheduling and dispatch shall be implemented:
(a) Preferential Dispatch Generating Units under commissioning and testing; and
(b) Pm-rated sharing based on available transmission capacity and Day-Ahead Generation Forecast of all Preferential Dispatch Generating Units.
Section 11. Interim Protocol. Taking into account line !limitations and loading at the different NGCP substations, the PEMC and the NGCP shall develop the interim protocol for the dispatch of Preferntial 1al Dispatch Generating Units to address prioritization of the existing a11d upcoming operation of new wind power projects. The Interim Protocol shall be submitted to the DOE within ten (10) days from the effectivity of this Circular.
Section 12 lmposition of Fines and Penalties. All Preferential Dispatch Generating Units shall comply with the WESM Rules and Market Manuals and faHure of which shall subject them to the investigationprocess under the WESM Rules.
Any violation of this Circular, inclu ding he failure t-0 abide by the framework defined herein, shall be subjec to administrative fines and penalties to be developed by the DOE pursuant to Section 36 of the RE Act
Section 13. Regulatory Support The ERG shall ensure the provision of support in the egulatory requirements particularly in the promulgation of the amended PGC and PDC far consistency With the RE Act and the EPIRA.
Section 1,4. Retroacth,e !Eff ect. Consistent wUh Secti'on 20 of the RE Act. the effects of the incorporated guideUnes for the Must Dispatch and Priorlty Dispatch ln the WESM Rules shall retroact to the date of the effectivity of the 'RE Ad insofar as the intended incent1ves given to the Preferential Dispatch Generating Units are concerned.
Section 15. Amendato:ry Clau se. The provisions of other department circulars which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Circular are hereby repealed , amended or modified accordingly.
Section 16. Separability Clause. If, for any reason. any section or provislon of this Circular 1 is, declared unconstitutional or 11n vaiid, such parts not affected shall remain in tun force and effect
Section 17. :EffecHviity. This Circular shall take effeot immediately upon publicatlon in two (2) newspapers of general circulation and will remain in effect until otherwise revoked by the DOE.
Issued this March 2:015 at the DOE, Energy Center, Rizal Drive. Bonifacio Global City,
Tagu ig City, Metro Mantia.