Meta Data
Title in national language: 
关于印发《可再生能源发电全额保障性收购管理办法》的通知(发改能源 [2016]625号)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind
Issued by: 
National Development and Reform Commission P.R.C.
Overall Summary: 
The policy outlines that the grid companies should purchase a certain amount of electricity of renewable energy power, in accordance with the state-determined renewable energy feed-in tariff and the guaranteed buyout number of hours, combined with market competition mechanism, through the implementation of priority power generation system..
EE action plans: 
[...]Encourage users to participate in peaking shaving and other services, to improve system flexibility and renewable energy integration and consumption capacity.
EE financial incentives: 
Encourage the power users to change their electricity consuming behaviours by using pricing measures thus to optimize the load characteristics, to achieve load shifting and valley fillings.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
[...]Encourage users to participate in peaking shaving and other services, to improve system flexibility and renewable energy integration and consumption capacity.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[...] According to the characteristics of hydro power, in order to promote new energy consumption and optimize the system operation, large and medium hydro power peaker plants will be prioritized.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
Grid companies [...] should prioritize the implementation of renewable energy power generation plans and renewable energy power trading contracts, and ensure that wind power, solar power, biomass and other renewable energy power should be prioritized for dispatching. [...]---According to the national fixed feed-in tariffs(or approved power grid electricity price) and designed average number of hours, the priority given to the hydropower generation plants and the guaranteed buyout should be ensured through the implementation of long-term purchase and sale agreement, and annual power generation plan[...] ---[P]ower grid enterprises should establish and improve a renewable energy integration mechanism for the high proportion of renewable energy, fully tap the potential of the system peak demand response and load shedding, scientifically arrange the generation units, reasonably adjust capacities of plants[...]. ---[A]nnual power generated by the renewable energy feed-in project is divided into two parts, one is for the mandatory buyout electricity and another is for market trade electricity. The former should be ensured by annual power generation plans and signing the contract with grid companies; and for the latter, the renewable energy generation companies should obtain the contract through participation in the market competition[...]. ---Biomass, geothermal energy, marine power generation and distributed photovoltaic power generation projects temporarily do not participate in market competition, their feed-in power should by all purchased by the grid enterprises.
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
[A]nnual power generated by the renewable energy feed-in project is divided into two parts, one is for the mandatory buyout electricity and another is for market trade electricity. The former should be ensured by annual power generation plans and signing the contract with grid companies; and for the latter, the renewable energy generation companies should obtain the contract through participation in the market competition[...].
Electricity wholesale markets: 
The extra part of renewable energy generation power beyond the guaranteed buyout part is encouraged to be traded in various forms of electricity market[...] ---In the areas where the electricity spot market trading mechanism has been established, the medium and long term power transaction and spot market for renewable energy power are encouraged[...]
Energy management principles: 
The department in charge of the energy of the State Council should cooperate with the economic affairs departments to take the responsibilities for determining the number of hours to be purchased from the renewable energy power generation in the areas where the renewable energy resources are limited, in accordance with the capacity of the grid and the capacity of the system. [...] The relevant local authorities are responsible for the implementation of the number of hours, renewable energy feed-in works and for determining the amount of guaranteed buyout electricity.
Statistics collection and management: 
For the case of limiting the generation of renewable energy, the grid enterprise should promptly analyze the reasons and keep the relevant operational data for inspection by the regulatory authorities.[...]
Public database availability: 
[...]Relevant circumstances and statistics should be announced regularly to the whole society by the department in charge of energy of the State Council.