Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access:
To conduct the supply of electrical power [...], the Government and regional governments shall provide funds for a. groups of low-income people; b. development of facilities for the supply of electrical power in least developed regions; c. development of electrical power in remote and border areas; and d. development of rural electricity.
Energy access priorities:
[E]Iectrlcal power plays a very important and strategic role in achieving the goals of the national development and therefore, the supply of electrical power is controlled by the state and must constantly be increased in line with development growth to ensure that electrical power will be evenly available inadequate quantities with high quality;---The development of electricity shall be aimed at ensuring the availability of electrical power in adequate quantities, with good quality, and at reasonable prices as part of efforts to improve the welfare and prosperity of the people in aj ust and evenly manner as well as to sustainable development.---Consumers shall have the right to: a. receive good services; b. get contnuous electrical power of good quality and reliability; c. receive electrical power to which they are entitled at reasonable prices; d. get repair services in case of electrical power disturbance; and e. receive compensation in case of bIackout caused by errors and/or carelessness on the part of the
holder of permits for the supply d electrical power according to the conditions set in the electrical power sales purchase agreement.
Energy access action plan:
For the areas which have not enjoyed electricity, the Government or regional governments shall, according to their respective authority, give a chance to regional government-owned companies, Private corporate bodIes, or cooperatives as the operator of business in the supply of electrical power in an integrated way.
Consumer subsidies:
To conduct the supply of electrical power [...], the Government and regional governments shall provide funds for a. groups of low-income people; [...].