Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Other
Issued by: 
Her Excellency the Governor-General
Overall Summary: 
These Regulations provide for details around energy efficiency standards and energy labelling requirements. Two schedules (Schedule 1 and Schedule 2) define a list of product classes subject to mandatory labelling and standards.
EE standards for appliances: 
A person who manufactures in New Zealand or imports into New Zealand an item in a product class described in Schedule 1, or an assembly that incorporates that item, may not sell that item or the assembly to any other person in New Zealand unless— (a) the energy performance characteristics of that item comply with the standards for that item’s product class; and (b) the manufacturer or importer completes and submits the prescribed form for that item’s product class to the Authority.---A person may not make available for sale, lease, hire, or hire purchase in New Zealand an item in a product class described in Schedule 1, or an assembly that incorporates that item, to a consumer unless the energy performance characteristics of that item comply with the standards for that item’s product class.---Please, see Schedule 1: List of product classes subject to minimum energy performance standards and list of applicable standard.
EE labeling: 
A person who manufactures in New Zealand or imports into New Zealand an item in a product class described in Schedule 2 may not sell that item to any other person in New Zealand unless— (a) a label that complies with the standards for that item’s product class—(i) is attached to that item as required by those standards; or (ii) is supplied with that item along with instructions on how to attach the label to that item as required by those standards. (b) the model and brand designations on the label correspond to the model and brand designations of that item; and (c) the energy performance characteristics information on the label corresponds with the energy performance characteristics for that item; and (d) the manufacturer or importer completes and submits the prescribed form for that item’s product class to the Authority.---Please, see Schedule 2: List of product classes subject to mandatory energy performance labelling and list of applicable standards.