Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Industry, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
The Head of State or Governments of the ASEAN Member States
Overall Summary: 
The ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI) for period 2016-2025: Implementation Plan, adopted by the Ministers on 6 November 2015 during the 16th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology, aims the following goals: 1. ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) addressing the Grand Challenges of the new millennium; 2. Economically integrated ASEAN involving active collaboration between the public & private sectors especially SMEs and enhanced mobility of talents; 3. Deep awareness of STI & the beneficial impacts of STI on the bottom of the pyramid; 4. An innovation-driven economy with a deep STI enculturation and a system of seeding and sustaining STI by leveraging ICT and the resources of our talented young, women and private sectors; 5. Active R&D collaboration, technology commercialisation and entrepreneurship and network of centres of excellence; and 6. An enhanced STI management system in the new AEC so as to support ASEAN Innovation reaching global markets and that promotes innovation, integration and narrowing of development gaps across AMS.
Cooperation in EE: 
ANNEX 8: Work Plan of Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER) Thrust 1: Strengthen strategic collaboration among academia, research institutions, networks of centres of excellence, and the private sector to create an effective ecosystem for capability development, technology transfer and commercialisation. Action 1.1. Intensify the engagement of academe, private sector and relevant partners in the planning, implementation and assessment of joint undertakings in human resource development, and research and development. --- Expected outputs: 2. New methodologies for improving energy efficiency. Specific activities/projects: Joint R&D collaboraton on renewable energy and energy efficiency including but not limited to: a. Research collaboration on biogas utilisation from palm oil; and b. Research collaboration on smart micro grid in remote areas.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
ANNEX 8: Work Plan of Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER) Thrust 1: Strengthen strategic collaboration among academia, research institutions, networks of centres of excellence, and the private sector to create an effective ecosystem for capability development, technology transfer and commercialisation. Expected outputs: 4. Recommendation on mechanism to facilitate/accelerate cross border technology transfer on sustainable/ renewable energy. Specific activities/projects: Organise workshop on sustainable/renewable energy with the view to addressing critical barriers in facilitating cross-border technology transfer in ASEAN as well as in the Asia Pacific region. --- Action 1.2. Enhance and sustain the utilisation of the ASEAN Science and Technology Network (ASTNET) and strengthen other S&T networks to facilitate information sharing. Expected Outputs: 6. Platform in ASTNET for technology transfer and commercialisation. Specific activities/projects: Modify and enhance the features of ASTNET to allow the establishment of the platform for technology transfer and commercialisation.
R&D renewable energy: 
Expected Outputs: 5. Database of: a. Experts related on energy; b. Renewable energy research; and c. Energy testing facilities and laboratories. Specific activities/projects: Collecting, grouping, providing and validating data. Establish system for the maintenance and administration for the databases.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Expected outputs: 3. ASEAN Network for Nuclear Power Plant Research established. Specific activities/projects: Conduct stock-taking activities to determine the readiness of AMSs. Plan and implement collaborative activities related to nuclear energy research.