Meta Data
Title in national language: 
របាយការណ៍ ស្តីពី សកម្មភាពរបស់នាយកដ្ឋានមូលនិធិអគ្គិសនីភាវូបនីយកម្មជនបទ ឆ្នាំ២០១៣
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Government Report
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind
Issued by: 
Electricité Du Cambodge, Department of Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
This report on activities of the Department of Rural Electrification Fund for the Year 2013 is the report compiled from the data and information related to Strategy and Plan for Development of Rural Electrification, Policy on Renewable Energy of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), the establishment of Rural Electrification Fund, mission, activities, and the achievements of Rural Electrification Fund for the period from 22 August 2012 ( when Rural Electrification Fund was integrated with EDC) to the end of 2013. This report is aimed for dissemination to RGC, donors, investors and public desirous to know about the activities of Rural Electrification Fund in accelerating of rural electrification development in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Energy access priorities: 
REF has the following missions: 1. Promoting equitable rural electrification coverage by facilitating the population’s access to electricity at affordable price for economic, social and household uses. 2. Providing support for the preparation and implementation of rural electrification projects. 3. Promoting and facilitating the poor households in rural areas to have access to electricity for their houses from grid supply by providing interest free loan. 4. Promoting and facilitating the remote rural household, which may not have access to the electricity network for a long period, access electricity through Solar Home System. 5. Promoting and facilitating the private electricity supplier in rural areas having legal license to access fund for investing on expansion of electricity supply infrastructure to fully cover its authorized distribution area in order to allow all rural households have access to electricity for use. [...]
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
REF has the following missions: [...] 6. Promoting the use of well proven, technically and commercially viable new and renewable energy technologies