Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Kingdom of Cambodia, Ministry of Environment
Overall Summary: 
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) sets the overall strategic objectives and key actions to achieve national biodiversity targets. Key thematically focus areas include, inter alia, sustainable mining (Theme 4), environmental security (Theme 5), sustainable energy resource management (Theme 14).
Energy access action plan: 
2.4 Promote the use of local natural resources for energy supply based on environmental sustainability, least‐cost options and equitable access to electricity services.
Clean cooking solutions: 
2.2 Reduce the impact of the energy sector on biodiversity and its ecosystem services by: b. Substituting wood with other sources of energy [...] or by using improved cooking stoves and/or biogas digesters for household and small business; [...]
EE action plans: 
2.2 Reduce the impact of the energy sector on biodiversity and its ecosystem services by: a. Introducing improved technologies into all aspects of wood-sourced energy and biomass residue supply and demand chains, and improving efficiency of wood in use, and thus reducing the need for wood; --- 4.1 Formulate a policy and action plan for a sustainable energy system in Cambodia based on [...] energy efficiency and demand side management.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
2.2 Reduce the impact of the energy sector on biodiversity and its ecosystem services by: [...] b. Substituting wood with other sources of energy such as biomass, wood residue and agricultural residues, for instance by promoting the use of alternative energy sources to reduce fuelwood use and diversify energy sources [...]; c. Promoting fuelwood and multipurpose tree plantations at the family and community level: tree planting in public areas, agroforestry or on-farm tree planting, village woodlot allocation for sustainable fuelwood collection, integration of wood fuel production into community forestry so as to ensure sustainable fuelwood supply and prevent negative impacts of energy development and use on natural ecosystems [...] and d. Developing more efficient charcoal production methods.
RE action plans: 
2.3 Apply to energy development projects, in particular hydropower and oil exploitation projects, the Voluntary Guidelines on Biodiversity-Inclusive Impact Assessment (CBD Decision VIII/28 also adopted by the Ramsar Convention) and the Akwé: Kon Voluntary guidelines for the conduct of cultural, environmental and social impact assessments regarding developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous peoples and local communities (Annex to CBD decision VI/7 A). --- 3.1 Support the implementation of the energy sector strategy, including the MIME's 2004 draft Energy Strategy listing interventions to improve the sustainable supply and use of biomass in Cambodia. --- 4.1 Formulate a policy and action plan for a sustainable energy system in Cambodia based on renewable energy, [...] --- 4.4 Encourage the development of standards and energy certification to promote green energy from renewable and sustainable sources in the country.
Energy management principles: 
Theme 4. Sustainable mining. [...] Based on the NSDS 2030 vision, mining should be a sector that exploits minerals without destroying nearby human settlements and landscapes, and without causing serious health and environmental impacts. It should be a sector that economizes the scarce mineral resources and promotes the recycling of metals. Strategically, the ecological and socioeconomic impact of mineral resource exploration, extraction and processing on the status and trends of biodiversity components and functions will be assessed; awareness about this impact will be enhanced; preventive and corrective measures, including ecosystem restoration, will be developed and applied, as appropriate; and the contribution of mining resources to biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, sustainable development and the well-being of all in Cambodia will be increased.
Statistics collection and management: 
Theme 14: Sustainable Energy Resources Management. [...] Under this theme, the following key strategic actions have been identified to (i) assess the energy needs, and launch inventory and monitoring programmes for energy biomass, (ii) enhance awareness about the contribution of biodiversity to the country's energy needs, and (iii) identify and apply ways and means to increase this contribution in a sustainable way, while reducing the impacts of energy production and consumption on biodiversity components, as well as on local communities and indigenous ethnic minorities.