Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Blueprint Pengelolaan Energi Nasional 2005-2025
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
No English translation available
Overall Summary: 
The 2005-2025 National Energy Blueprint identifies short- and long-term development objectives in the electricity sector. In addition to targets on increasing electrification levels, infrastructure expansion, reduction of subsidies and improvement in efficiency, the Blueprint establishes targets for electricity production from various renewable energy sources.
Energy access action plan: 
MAIN PROGRAMS (continued): 1. Increased utilization of biogas among households 2. Increased electrification ratio.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Increased utilization of biogas among households.
Renewable Energy
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
MAIN PROGRAM 8: INTENSIFICATION OF SEARCH AND UTILIZATION OF SOURCES NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY 1. Survey of potential renewable energy 2. Development of a database of potential renewable energy 3. Utilization of gas flaring (Gas Flare).
Renewable energy subsidies: 
2. Provision of energy subsidies for dhuafa consumers 3. Providing incentives for providing alternative energy, including acceleration schemes depreciation 4. Implementation of an incentive system to encourage increased energy efficiency.
Energy taxation: 
MAIN PROGRAM 3: APPLICATION OF TAX ALLOWANCE. 1. Increased energy supply for domestic needs 2. Alternative energy development and energy efficiency
Energy pricing: 
VII.1. MAIN PROGRAM 1. Implementation of the mechanism for adjusting fuel prices with several alternatives: • Fully automatic market price adjustment mechanism for all type of fuel • The price adjustment mechanism is automatically at a subsidized level for all types of fuel • Price adjustment mechanism automatically, specifically for certain types of BBM (household kerosene and diesel oil transportation) on a fixed price basis • Fixed price price adjustment mechanism for all types of fuel.
Carbon tax: 
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
MAIN PROGRAM 2: PROVISION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY OIL REPLACEMENTS. 1. Increased utilization and biogas of households 2. Increased electrification ratio. --- MAIN PROGRAM 9: DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC ENERGY RESERVES FOR SECURITY OF DOMESTIC SUPPLY 1. Increasing domestic oil and coal stock 2. Allocation of energy resources to meet future needs. ---
Infrastructure development priorities: 
MAIN PROGRAM 10: IMPROVING THE USE OF GAS IN THE STATE 1. Repair and development of gas supply infrastructure 2. Development of utilization of CNG, GTL, DME, LPG and city gas. --- MAIN PROGRAM 13: ACCELERATION OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. 1. Gas infrastructure 2. Coal infrastructure 3. Electricity infrastructure 4. BBM infrastructure 5. Other alternative fuel infrastructure, including CNG for the transportation sector --- MAIN PROGRAM 16: DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE 1. Repair and development of oil, gas and natural gas supply infrastructure coal 2. Development of electricity infrastructure 3. Development of new and renewable energy infrastructure.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
MAIN PROGRAM 7: IMPROVING EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES 1. Providing economic incentives to increase investment for exploration activities.
Energy management principles: 
MAIN PROGRAM 12: ENERGY INDUSTRY RESTRUCTURING 1. Determination of rules regarding premium depletion 2. Determination of the rules of the energy access mechanism.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
MAIN PROGRAM 11: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY 1. Development of energy science and technology a. Low-calorie coal technology f. Mini LNG refinery (Upgraded Brown Coal - UBC) g. Ocean technology b. Liquid coal (Coal Liquefaction) h.Dimethyl ether (DME) c. Eco-friendly energy technology i. Coal bed methane d. Integrated coal gasification j. Hydrate of natural gas e. CNG for power plants k. Photovoltaic 2. Development of funding mechanisms for the Government / Regional Government for energy science research and development 3. Commercialization of energy science and technology o Application of dual fuel energy technology, including coal with other energy, especially biomass o Development of alternative energy-fueled vehicles o Utilization of LNG for transportation o Development of a business scheme model o Implementation of a financial incentive system o Development of new renewable energy and energy-efficient deep technology procurement activities using Government funds 4. Increasing partnerships between energy stakeholders both at home and abroad.