Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Solar
Issued by: 
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Overall Summary: 
The full title of the document: "Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources the Republic of Indonesia No. 38/2016 On Acccelerating Electrification in Undeveloped Rural Areas, Remote Regions, Border Areas, and Small Inhabited Islands Through the Implementation of Small Scale Electricity Provision Enterprises". The Regulation stipulates the provisions on the small scale electricity provision enterprise with the total capacity of the electricity system up to 50 (fifty) megawatts, for: a. Undeveloped rural areas without basic infrastructure, among a few, electricity network; b. Remote rural areas with limited facilities and equipments; c. Rural areas in the borders; and/or d. Small inhabited islands.
Energy access targets: 
Article 14. The Business Entity which is given an assingment [...] in conducting its business is obliged to: [...] c. Strive to achieve the electrification ratio level of at least 95% (ninety five) within its Business Area within 5 (five) years of its assignment from the Minister; [...]
Energy pricing: 
Article 20. The electricity tariff for the consumers of the Business Entity that receives an assignment by using the subsidy budget uses the tariff applied by the State-Owned Electricity Company (PT PLN Persero) for household consumers with 450 VA connected power capacity. --- Article 21. (1) The stipulation of electricity tariff for a Business Entity that holds a Business Area in the business of providing small scale electricity power without using the subsidy budget is stipulated by the Minister or Governor based on its authority according to the provisions of rules and regulations.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
[...] the Government needs to stimulate the acceleration of electricity provision with adequate quantity, good quality, and reasonable price in rural areas as referred as in letter a by empowering local state owned enterprises, private enterprises, and cooperatives to manage the business areas of the small scale electricity provision --- [...] it is necessary to stipulate the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on Accelerating Electrification in Undeveloped Rural Areas, Remote Regions, Border Areas, and Small Inhabited Islands through the Implementation of Small Scale Electricity Provision Enterprises; [...]
Infrastructure development priorities: 
In order to accelerate the provision of electricity as referred in paragraph (1), the Government and/or Local Government according to its authority provides opportunity to Business Entities as the Developer of Small Scale Integrated Electricity Provision Enterprise.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[...] to attract the interest of local state owned enterprises, private enterprises, and cooperatives in managing the small scale electricity provision, the Government needs to provide incentives in the form of subsidies to consumers in the business areas;