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Title in national language: 
កម្មវិធីអភិវឌ្ឍន៍អគ្គិសនីភាវូបនីយកម្មជនបទរបស់អគ្គិសនីកម្ពុជាតាមរយៈនាយកដ្ឋានមូលនិធិអគ្គិសនីភាវូបនីយកម្មជនបទ (ម.អ.ជ.), (២០១៥)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Solar
Issued by: 
Electricité Du Cambodge, Department of Rural Electrification
Overall Summary: 
Overview of the interest free loans provided by the REF to encourage rural electrification, and increased access to electricity through intitiatives such as; Program for Power to the Poor (P2P), Program for Solar Home Systems (SHS), and Program for Providing Assistance to Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas.
Energy access priorities: 
Promote equitable rural electrification coverage by facilitating the population’s access to electricity at affordable price for economic, social and household uses, thus contributing to poverty reduction, and (ii) to promote and encourage private sector to participate in providing sustainable rural electrification services; [...].
Energy access action plan: 
Currently, the Department of Rural Electrification Fund of EDC (REF) has three rural electrification development programs consisting of 1) Program for Power to the Poor (P2P), 2) Program for Solar Home Systems (SHS), 3) Program for Providing Assistance to Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas.---Program for Power to the Poor (P2P): interest free loans to meet 1) costs for the connection fees of the electricity supplier, 2) costs for deposit to be deposited with the electricity supplier, 3) costs for purchase of materials and labour for the installation of wires from the connection point to its house, and 4) costs for purchase of materials and labour for the installation of in-house wiring. Program for Solar Home System (SHS): to facilitate the remote rural household, which may not have access to the electricity network for a long period, access electricity through SHS. Program for Providing Assistance to Develop Electricity Infrastructure in Rural Areas: the purpose of this program is to facilitate the private electricity licensee in rural areas having legal license to access fund for investing on construction of electricity supply infrastructure to fully cover its authorized distribution area in order to allow all rural households to have access to electricity for use.
Energy access targets: 
The goal of RGC is (i) by the year 2020, all the villages of the Kingdom of Cambodia will have electricity of some type; and (ii) by the year 2030, at least 70% of households will have access to grid-quality electricity
Investment climate development: 
[...] (ii) to promote and encourage private sector to participate in providing sustainable rural electrification services.