Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Planning and Finance
Overall Summary: 
The Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP) 2018 - 2030 provides a long-term vision of the development of Myanmar. This MSDP is structured around 3 Pillars, 5 Goals, 28 Strategies and 251 Action Plans. Goal 5 focuses on the legal, institutional and policy frameworks required to better protect and manage the natural resources and the environment in Myanmar.
Energy access action plan: 
5.4.8. Ensure access to affordable, sustainable energy for rural populations and vulnerable groups.
EE action plans: 
5.4.5. Promote energy generation and distribution efficiency and conservation in industry, commercial, household, and public sector use.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
5.4.1. Achieve an optimal level of renewable sources in the primary energy fuel supply mix. 5.4.2. Scale-up use of renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and bio-energy in partnership and with agreement of local populations.
Energy environmental priorities: 
5.2.3. Incorporate climate change dimensions into environmental and natural resource management policies, rules and regulations. --- 5.5.5. Strengthen and enforce environmental safeguards and regulatory controls regarding natural resources-based industries.
Pollution control action plans: 
5.1.6. Ensure pollution levels are not damaging to the health of our people or ecosystems
Energy pricing: 
5.4.7. Formulate policies to inform appropriate electricity product pricing (including appropriate use of subsidies) which strike an appropriate balance between needs of producers and consumers.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Cooperation in connectivity: 
5.4.6. Facilitate greater crossborder, regional and international collaboration in energy matters in partnership with State and Region governments
Energy sector investment priorities: 
5.4.4. Facilitate policy, legal, regulatory and broader good governance actions which will enable greater investment and private sector participation in energy generation and provision.
Energy management principles: 
5.4.9. Create an enabling environment which promotes greater private sector participation in energy generation and supply including privatization of State owned energy providers. --- 5.5.1. Establish a comprehensive, clear and coherent regulatory framework that informs the sustainable management, exploitation and trade of natural resources supported by appropriate enforcement mechanisms. 5.5.2. Use innovative mechanisms to more effectively and transparently manage revenues generated from the extractive industries for the longer-term benefit of the country. 5.5.3. Reform the nature of the minerals sector such that it becomes both sustainable and profitable, while making both a positive contribution to government revenues and to the lives of our people. 5.5.4. Greatly accelerate all necessary measures to meet requirements for EITI implementation.
National policy structure: 
5.4.3. Develop and implement comprehensive national and sub-national energy development plans, prioritising least-cost generation expansion, potential financing from sector revenues, while ensuring minimal adverse impact on our natural environment and local communities.