Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Coal, Oil, Gas
Issued by: 
Department of Primary Industries and Mines
Unofficial translation
Overall Summary: 
The Minerals Act, B.E. 2560 (2017) sets out the rules and procedures for the mineral management (Chapter I); establishes a Minerals Committee and a Provincial Minerals Committee (Chapter II); regulates the mineral exploration (Chapter IV), mining (Chapter V), underground mining (Chapter VI), mineral business operation, mineral dressing and metallurgy operation (Chapter VIII), survey (IX), the cases of rejection of applications and cancellations, correction and revocation of permission (Chapter X); mineral royalties, fees and special subscription (Chapter XI), development and promotion (Chapter XII), civil liability (Chapter XIII); control and inspection (Chapter XIV), penalties (Chapter XV), transititory provisions (Chapter XVI).
Energy management principles: 
Section 18. No mining shall be undertaken in the areas or in respect of the types of minerals specified to be reserved, restricted or conserved under the mineral management master plan. Section 19. For the purpose of the mineral management, permission for mining may be granted only in respect of the areas which are designated by the mineral management master plan to be mineral deposit areas for mining purposes, economically worthy and consistent with the policy and strategy specified in the mineral management master plan. [...]
Energy institutional structures: 
Section 12. The Commission [the National Mineral Management Policy Commission] shall have the powers and duties as follows: (1) to propose to the Council of Ministers the mineral management strategy, policy and master plan with a view to the achievement of optimal benefits from mineral management under the economic, social and environmental equilibrium; (2) to propose directions or measures to enable agencies concerned to implement the mineral management strategy, policy and master plan in an appropriate and efficient manner; (3) to exercise supervision over and undertake examination of State agencies to ensure their implementation of the mineral management strategy, policy and master plan; (4) to strengthen co-operation and co-ordination amongst State agencies, the private sector and the public sector on matters in connection with mineral management of the nation; (5) to promote communal participation and lay down rules on communal participation in the mineral management; (6) to monitor and assess the operation of work to ensure the implementation of the mineral management strategy, policy and master plan and to recommend solutions to problems; (7) to perform any other activities as provided in this Act or as entrusted by the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers. --- Section 29. The Provincial Minerals Committee shall have the powers and duties as follows: (1) to give approval to the granting of permission or the refusal to grant permission, the renewal, the transfer, the revocation or the fixing of any conditions in connection with concession certificates for the mining in Class 1; (2) to consider complaints or impacts of the mining in Class 1 under section 69; (3) to give the Changwat Governor advice, recommendations and opinions on the mineral management in the respective province; (4) to perform any other activities as provided in this Act or as entrusted by the Minister or the Changwat Governor.