Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
The Ministry of Industry and Trade
Overall Summary: 
The Circular No. 10/2015/TT-BCT prescribing the order and procedures for grant and revocation, and the validity duration, of electricity activity licenses sets out the rules and procedures for grant and revocation, and the validity duration, of electricity activity licenses.
Energy management principles: 
Article 3. Cases of exemption from electricity activity license 1. Electricity generation for self-consumption, not for sale to other organizations and/or individuals. 2. Electricity generation with the installation capacity of under 50 kW for sale to other organizations and/or individuals. 3. Electricity trading in rural, mountainous or island areas through buying electricity with the capacity of under 50 kVA from the distribution grids for direct sale to electricity users in rural, mountainous and island areas. Article 4. Principles for grant of electricity activity licenses 1. Electricity activity licenses shall only be granted to organizations and individuals that fully satisfy the conditions prescribed for every field in the Government’s Decree No. 137/2013/ND-CP of October 21, 2013, detailing a number of articles of the Electricity Law and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Electricity Law, and comply with this Circular. 2. Electricity activity licenses shall be granted to organizations and individuals for implementation of one or more than one of the following fields of electricity activity: specialized electricity consultancy, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, electricity wholesale, electricity retail and electricity export and import. 3. Prior to the stage of market competitive electricity retail, the electricity activity licenses in the field of electricity retail are granted simultaneously with the field of electricity distribution. 4. Electricity activity licenses shall be granted to organizations for generating electricity for each power plant. 4. Regulation of national electricity system and administration of electricity market transactions. Article 5. Principles for revocation of electricity activity licenses 1. Electricity activity licenses shall be revoked in the following cases: a/ Electricity units violate Article 37 of the Electricity Law; b/ Electricity units wish to stop their operation or to transfer the licensed activities to other units; c/ Upon request of competent state bodies as the electricity units violate relevant provisions of law.
Energy institutional structures: 
Article 16. Competence to grant electricity activity licenses 1. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall grant electricity activity licenses for the following fields: a/ Electricity generation activities, for big power plants of particular socio-economic, national defense and security importance on the Prime Minister-approved list; b/ Electricity transmission activities; c/ Electricity export and import activities. 2. The Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam shall grant electricity activity licenses for the following fields: a/ Electricity generation activities, for power plants of a capacity of 3 MW or higher, which do not fall in the case defined at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article; b/ Electricity distribution activities; c/ Electricity wholesale activities; d/ Electricity retail activities; e/ Specialized electricity consultancy. 3. Provincial-level People’s Committees shall grant, or authorize provincial-level Departments of Industry and Trade to grant, electricity activity licenses for the following fields: a/ Electricity generation activities, for power plants of the capacity of under 3 MW, based in localities; b/ Activities of distribution of electricity of a voltage of up to 35 kV in localities; c/ Activities of retailing electricity of a voltage of up to 0.4 kV in localities; d/ Specialized electricity consultancy, covering: - Consultancy on investment in construction of transmission lines and transformer stations of a voltage of up to 35 kV, with enterprise registration in localities; - Consultancy on supervision of construction of transmission lines and transformer stations of a voltage of up to 35 kV, with enterprise registration in localities. 4. Where an organization or individual applies for a license for various activities in the field of specialized electricity consultancy, including at least one activity falling under the jurisdiction of the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam, the electricity activity license for such activities shall be granted by the Regulatory Authority of Vietnam.