Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Power, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Environment and Energy, Republic of Maldives
Overall Summary: 
Maldives Climate Change Policy Framework (MCCPF) is a major policy document to help the Maldives deal with the numerous facets of the climate change issue. The document aims at: Ensuring sustainable financing; Ensuring a low emission development for the future and creating energy security; Developing adaptation actions and opportunities and building appropriate infrastructure and communities; Leading role in various international negotiations; and Fostering sustainable development.
EE priorities: 
Strategies: [...] 9. Strengthen the existing policies and plans on RE (Renewable Energy) and EE (Energy Efficiency). [...] 11. Increase public awareness and advocate EE measures and EE appliances (through labelling).
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Strategies: [...] 6. Diversify power generation technologies through the application of Renewable and Alternative Energy. [...] 9. Strengthen the existing policies and plans on RE (Renewable Energy) and EE (Energy Efficiency).
Energy environmental priorities: 
The strategic components encompass the following: Low emission development: To help to achieve stabilization of GHGs concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous antropogenic interference with the climate system. --- Policy Goal 2. Strengthen a low emission development future and ensure energy security for the Maldives. --- Objectives: [...] To create a healthy environment for the citizens of the Maldives while introducing a Sustainable Resouce-Efficient Economy with 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycling) and achieve reduction of GHG; [...] --- Strategies: [...] 4. Prepare a sectoral law emission development (covering generation, transport, agriculture and waste) plan to reduce GHG emission. [...] 7. Enhance and ensure the implementation of market mechanisms to curbing out GHG emissions. 8. Develop comprehensive policies and plans to reduce GHG emissions from the transport sector.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Policy Goal 1. Ensure and integrate sustainable financing into climate change adaptation opportunities and low emission development measures;