Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry for Commerce, Industry and Environment
Overall Summary: 
Nauru Energy Road Map 2018 to 2020: A Pwiyeiy bwio light up my land is the implementation plan for Activities to facilitate Nauru’s energy sector development agenda. NERM is to enable the achievement of Nauru’s overall vision of: 'A future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans'.
Energy access targets: 
Through the National Sustainable Development Strategy consultative process the Government of Nauru has set three ambitious targets to achieve by 2020. They are: 1. 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions [...]
EE priorities: 
Improve supply-side energy efficiency. Data collection and analysis for preparation for Demand Side Management implementation. Implementation of demand side energy efficiency.
EE targets: 
Through the National Sustainable Development Strategy consultative process the Government of Nauru has set three ambitious targets to achieve by 2020. They are: [...] 3. 30% improvement in energy efficiency in the residential, commercial and government sectors.
EE labeling: 
Introduction of energy labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Standards.
EE transport standards : 
Implementation of energy efficiency in transport. Investigate substitutes to diesel and petrol for transport.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Phased implementation of large-scale solar. Investigation and implementation of other renewable energy sources. Build in-country capacity to operate and maintain solar PV systems.
RE targets: 
Through the National Sustainable Development Strategy consultative process the Government of Nauru has set three ambitious targets to achieve by 2020. They are: [...] 2. 50% of grid electricity supply from renewable energy sources, and [...]
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Establish an economically efficient, secure and safe National Fuel Terminal and fuel supply. Investigate ways to reduce use or find alternatives to liquid fuels.
Energy management principles: 
Facilitate development of appropriate local skill base to meet ongoing demand in energy sector. Improve governance and accountability in the energy sector. Foster a culture of partnerships between public and private sectors including the community.
National policy structure: 
Establish appropriate policies, regulations and legislation for the energy sector.