Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
New Zealand Government, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Overall Summary: 
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) Statement of Intent 2018-2022 provides for the EECA's strategic direction and objectives in the residential, transport and business sectors for the period 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2022.
EE priorities: 
Productive and low-emissions business. EECA will work with businesses that have the largest and most cost-effective opportunities to improve their energy productivity. We will work with them to: • develop plans for introducing cleaner and more efficient energy use over time • manage their energy use • adopt and sustain the best energy management practices • demonstrate the value of clean and clever energy use to meet business needs and the expectations of their boards, shareholders and customers.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Efficient and low-emissions transport. EECA will take action to accelerate the adoption of more efficient and low-emissions technologies. This involves encouraging the use of alternative vehicle fuels where they make sense (electricity, hydrogen or biofuels) and supporting the increased efficiency of the petrol and diesel vehicles that will continue to enter our fleet. We will achieve this by: • providing independent and authoritative information that dispels myths and motivates people to improve their transport choices • encouraging innovation and proving the application of low-emissions vehicles by sharing the financial risk • using our expertise and influence to support high impact, sustainable policy change in the transport sector • using our understanding of the electricity system and transport industry to identify opportunities, and to coordinate early action to address risks so they do not become barriers to the uptake of electric vehicles. --- Energy efficient homes. We will inspire, assist and mobilise New Zealanders to make smarter use of sustainable energy in their homes by choosing more energy efficient technologies and behaviours.We will achieve this by: • engaging with New Zealanders and providing them with compelling, relevant information tailored to their needs • working with Australian Federal and State government agencies to develop minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and mandatory energy labelling (MEPL) for appliances to assure New Zealand consumers that the appliances they buy are energy efficient and good quality • assisting the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in activities including developing minimum housing standards, enhancing building code thermal performance requirements and updating related voluntary industry standards (for example, insulation, lighting, ventilation) investigating efficiency initiatives to reduce peak electricity demand • providing subsidies for insulation retrofits for low-income households to achieve energy savings and multiple other benefits. --- Government leadership. • The state sector is an exemplar in improving its energy productivity and reducing its energy-related emissions. • State services implements energy policy and programmes to accelerate the transition to clean and clever energy use in New Zealand. Actions we will take We will achieve this by: • working with emissions-intensive users in the state sector (for example, hospitals, prisons and the Defence Force) to improve the energy and carbon performance of existing and new buildings, particularly in the high-impact areas of heating and lighting • supporting greater electric vehicle uptake in state sector fleets • promoting fuel switching to more sustainable energy where possible.