Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Стратегия по перходу Республики Узбекистан на «зеленую» экономику на период 2019-2030 годов
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Center of hydrometeorological service
No English translation available
Overall Summary: 
The Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Transition to "Green" Economy for the Period 2019-2030 is to achieve sustainable economic progress, which contributes to social development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, climate and environmental sustainability through the integration of the principles of the "green" economy in the ongoing structural reforms.
Energy access targets: 
To approve [...] b) target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for: [...] ensuring access to modern, inexpensive and reliable energy supply for up to 100% of the population and sectors of the economy; [...]
EE priorities: 
To achieve the objectives of the Strategy, it is necessary to implement the following tasks: improving the energy efficiency of the economy and rational consumption of natural resources through technological modernization and development of financial mechanisms; [...]
EE targets: 
To approve [...] b) target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for: [...] a twofold increase in energy efficiency and a decrease in the carbon intensity of gross domestic product; [...] modernization of the infrastructure of industrial enterprises, ensuring their sustainability by increasing energy efficiency by at least 20% and wider use of clean and environmentally friendly technologies and industrial processes;
EE transport standards : 
To approve [...] b) target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for: [...] expanding the production and use of motor fuels and vehicles with improved energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, as well as the development of electric transport; [...]
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
To approve [...] b) target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for: [...] further development of renewable energy sources, bringing their share to more than 25% of the total electricity generation; [...]
Energy environmental priorities: 
To achieve the objectives of the Strategy, it is necessary to implement the following tasks: [...] inclusion of green criteria in priority areas of public investment and expenditure; assistance in the implementation of pilot projects in the areas of transition to a "green" economy; development of the system of training and retraining of personnel related to the labor market in the "green" economy by stimulating investment in education; strengthening international cooperation in the field of "green" economy.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
To approve [...] b) target indicators for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for: reduction of specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 10% from the level of 2010; [...]