Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum
Overall Summary: 
The National Coal Policy aims to provide a clear description of the priorities and practices supported by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in support of the Afghan coal sector and related activities. The Government seeks to develop the country’s coal reserves in a strategic and systematic manner that will ensure the country’s national wealth and long-term use of indigenous coal for electricity generation and industrial use. Government seeks to license several large-scale coal deposits to minerals’ license holders in order to support those operations.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Government is committed to implementing the best international standards of social and environmental protection. Social and environmental policies and guidelines promulgated by the Ministry of Mines shall provide detailed information and requirements for coal companies, coal communities and Government that ensure protection of Afghan citizens and their environment. The policies and standards have been developed based on the broader policy framework of National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) and Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA).
Energy pricing: 
This Policy supports the market-oriented development of the Afghan Coal Sector in order to ensure that coal operations are commercially based and do not rely on funding from the Government. Active measures that Government will take to ensure market-oriented operations shall include: competitive bidding of coal resources; market-based evaluation of tenders; equitable distribution of revenues; and transparent issuance of licenses, leases and project awards.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
This National Coal Policy supports private coal mining ownership and investment that may include Afghan or international corporations, joint ventures, partnerships, sole proprietorships or any other legal structure allowed under Afghanistan law. Fully or partially-owned Government corporations are not precluded from coal mine ownership and/or investment. Government shall encourage technically and financially qualified and sound private investment in the sector.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Government encourages the use of public private partnerships (PPP) to construct infrastructure that will support coal sector operations as well as broader regional development objectives.
Energy management principles: 
Government supports the transparent operation of coal companies through a regularized system of reporting and audit controls that will be implemented by the Ministry of Mines. As part of its support of transparent operations, Government will ensure surety of tenure and enforceable contract terms for all legitimate coal license holders and investors. Government is also committed to implementing the revenue monitoring of mine operations in accordance with the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Energy institutional structures: 
Government promotes the coordinated development of the coal industry and related mining and other industries. The construction of large-scale coal mining should be linked with conditions for water resources, transportation and electric power to enhance local industrial and economic development. In support of largescale coal mining the Inter-Ministerial Committee will serve as a coordinating body among related institutions and will promote information exchange among key stakeholders.