Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
The Fijian Government
Overall Summary: 
The Electricity Regulations 2019 are enacted pursuant to Part 5 of the Electricity Act 2017 and cover to the following matters: systems and volyages (Part 2); Licencing and registration of installations (Part 3); Precautions for licensee installations (Part 4); Electrical contractors' and wiring persons' licences (Part 5); Electric discharge lamps (Part 6), Consumers' installations (Part 7); Supply to consumers and discontinuance of supply (Part 8); Meter testing and adjustment of accounts (Part 9); Application for licence or extension (Part 10) and Miscellaneous (Part 11).
Energy management principles: 
8. Any person applying for a licence under the Act to operate or work an installation must supply to the Company or licensed supplier (acting as the Regulator’s agent), if it requires— (a) plans and specifications of the installation sought to be licensed, as existing or proposed at the time of the application; (b) for the installation (other than a consumer’s installation), a map of the area of supply, showing the position of the generating station, substations, main supply lines and distributing mains, as existing or proposed at the time of the application; (c) such other information as the Company or licensed supplier requires to enable it to consider the application; and (d) such other information as the Regulator requires and as prescribed by regulations made by the Regulator. 9. A licence to operate or work an installation must be in the appropriate form, and a licensee must pay the appropriate fee in respect of the licence as set out in Schedule 1 at the times specified in Schedule 1.