Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Renewable, Other
Issued by: 
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
BIlingual document
Overall Summary: 
The Myanmar Climate Change Policy (2019) aims to provide long term direction and guidance to: (a) Take and promote climate change action on adaptation and mitigation in Myanmar; (b) Integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations into Myanmar’s national priorities and across all levels and sectors in an iterative and progressive manner; and (c) Take decisions to create and maximise opportunities for sustainable, low carbon, climate resilient development, ensuring benefits for all.
Energy access priorities: 
v. Ensure equitable access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all as a pathway to inclusive and sustainable development and eradicating poverty;
EE priorities: 
iv. Promote and prioritise sustainable and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, in order to meet Myanmar’s growing energy needs and ensure energy security in a low-carbon manner;
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
iv. Promote and prioritise sustainable and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, in order to meet Myanmar’s growing energy needs and ensure energy security in a low-carbon manner;
Energy environmental priorities: 
i. Ensure that actions undertaken under Myanmar’s Green Economy Framework and energy policies integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations, are complementary to and/or support actions under this Policy, and encourage public-private partnerships to support a green economy; ii. Ensure that the energy, transport and industry sectors, including infrastructure, are well-integrated among each other, reliable, sustainable and resilient to current and future climate change impacts, recognising that they are vital to Myanmar’s economic growth; iii. Decouple Myanmar’s continued growth from increasing greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the global climate change mitigation effort through sustainable, low-carbon energy, transport, industrial, and waste management systems, while ensuring that Myanmar’s social and economic development needs are met;
Energy sector investment priorities: 
vi. Promote sustainable natural resource extraction through transparent and responsible investments which are consistent with climate change adaptation and mitigation priorities, while generating local employment and economic benefits and protecting the environment and public health;