Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Концепция обеспечения Республики Узбекистан электрической энергией на 2020-2030 годы
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
All, Coal, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind
Issued by: 
Ministry of Energy
Overall Summary: 
The Concept Note for Ensuring Electricity Supply in Uzbekistan 2020-2030 aims at ensuring that the country's electricity sector is able to power the country over the decade 2021-2030 in a sufficient, secure and sustainable way. The Concept Note defines mid-term and long-term objectives and directions for the development of power sector in the country, priorities and benchmarks as well as arrangements aimed at ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the government’s energy policy at different stages of practical implementations guaranteeing achievement of planned goals.
EE priorities: 
The following are the main objectives of the improvements in provision of the country with electrical power: [...] 2nd - improvement of national economy’s energy efficiency with parallel reductions in energy intensity achieved through, inter alia, creation of economic mechanisms to stimulate rational use of electrical power by consumers; 3rd - increasing energy efficiency of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power to satisfy the growing demand; [...]
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The following are the main objectives of the improvements in provision of the country with electrical power: [...] 5th - development and expansion of renewables use and their integration into the unified power system; [...]
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
The following are the main objectives of the improvements in provision of the country with electrical power: 1st - satisfying the country’s electrical power demand in full through domestic generation without dependence on energy imports and thus ensuring energy security; 2nd - improvement of national economy’s energy efficiency with parallel reductions in energy intensity achieved through, inter alia, creation of economic mechanisms to stimulate rational use of electrical power by consumers; 3rd - increasing energy efficiency of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power to satisfy the growing demand; 4th - reduction of power equipment wear through consistent renewal, increasing reserves in generation and transmission assets; 5th - development and expansion of renewables use and their integration into the unified power system; 6th - development of efficient basic electricity market model. In order to efficiently fulfil the following objectives and achieve targeted goals of this Concept Note, implementation of the following key priorities must be ensured: 1st, modernisation and construction of new power sector assets required to ensure efficient functioning of domestic market, improvement of power metering system and despatch controls through introduction of modern information and communication technologies; 2nd, improvement of efficiency and rational use of electricity at all stages of technological processes based on the use of energy saving technologies and optimization of generating assets; 3rd, ensuring diversification in power and heat energy sectors through increased share of renewable energy sources and creation of renewable energy investment project mechanisms utilising PPP approaches, enhancement of government policies related to development of renewable energy sources, demonstration of renewable energy projects; 4th, development of comfortable, rule of law based, administrative environment for investments and wholesale power sales with a view to attract long term investments, first of all foreign direct investments; 5th, enhancement of corporate governance, increasing transparency of state-own power enterprises’ financial and economic operations; 6th, expansion of trans-boundary trade and strengthening of regional cooperation through the reinstatement and modernisation of transmission lines connected to neighbouring countries’ power systems; 7th, development of market relations through step-by-step liberalisation and reduction of government’s role, creation of a new market model based on clear separation of rights and responsibilities between actors in this sector at each step of market evolution, starting from Single Buyer and all the way to establishment of competitive wholesale and retail markets.