Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Nghị quyết số 55-NQ/TW ngày 11/02/2020 của Bộ Chính trị về định hướng Chiến lược phát triển năng lượng quốc gia của Việt Nam đến năm 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2045
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Unofficial translation
Overall Summary: 
The Resolution of the Politburo No 55NQ/TW of 2020 on the Orientation of the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam to 2030, with a Vision to 2045 reviews the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam to 2030 and extends its goals to 2045. The Resolution aims in particular at fostering the development of renewable energy sources by easing the regulatory framework and improving the economic structure of the energy sector.
EE targets: 
b) Specific objectives: [...] The primary energy intensity is expected to be 420-460 kgOE/ USD 1,000 GDP by 2030 and 375-410 kgOE/ USD 1,000 GPD by 2045. [...] - The energy-saving over the total final energy consumption against business-as-usual (BAU) scenario to reach 7% by 2030 and up to 20% by 2045.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
b) Specific objectives: [...] - The share of renewable energy sources in the total primary energy supply reaches 15 - 20% in 2030 and 25 - 30% in 2045.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
b) Specific objectives: [...] - To reduce greenhouse gases emission from energy activities against the BAU scenario by 15% by 2030 and 20% by 2045.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
b) Specific objectives: - To provide sufficient energy to meet domestic energy demand and satisfy targets of the 10-year Socio-economic Development Strategy for 2021-2030, namely: the total primary energy supply to reach 175 – 195 million tons of oil equivalent (TOE) by 2030 and 320 – 350 million TOE by 2045; the total installed capacity of power sources to amount 125 - 130 GW and the power output to reach 550 - 600 billion kWh by 2030.
Energy mix: 
b) Specific objectives: [...] - Oil refinery plants to meet at the minimum 70% of the domestic demand; ensure strategic petroleum reserve equal to at the minimum 90 days of net oil import. Ensure the capacity to import 8 billion m3 of LNG by 2030 and 15 billion m3 by 2045.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
b) Specific objectives: [...] - To develop an efficient smart grid system with regional interconnectivity; ensure safe and secure power supply and meet N-1 criteria for important load centers and N-2 criteria for extremely important load centers; the power reliability to be among the top 4 ASEAN countries and the electricity access indicator among the top 3 ASEAN countries by 2030.