Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Government of The Lao People's Democratic Republic
Overall Summary: 
The Mining Law was issued in 1997. It "aims at defining the system of management, preservation, exploration, exploitation and processing of minerals for local consumption and export with the use of natural resource potentials in the industrial process and upgrading the population's quality of life".
EE financial incentives: 
Persons or organizations with prominent achievements in the management, preservation of mineral resources with efficiency and in compliance with the laws of the Lao PDR will be awarded and granted benefits outlined by the Government : credit policy, extension of mining license and others.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Persons licensed to conduct commercial mineral operations shall abide by the procedures and measures for the mitigation of natural resource loss and negative environment impacts.
Energy-water nexus: 
In mining activities, licensees shall be entitled to lease land from the Government based on contracts, enter contracts for the supply of electricity and water for the processing of minerals provided such water is recycled and the quality of waste water is guaranteed for the population and the environment.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Investment in mining activities in the Lao PDR shall take place under the following forms: 1. Sole investment by the State; 2. Joint investment between the State and domestic or foreign parties; 3. Collective or private investment from domestic parties.
Investment climate development: 
Investment in mining activities in the Lao PDR shall take place under the following forms: [...] 2. Joint investment between the State and domestic or foreign parties.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Investment in mining activities in the Lao PDR shall take place under the following forms: [...] 3. Collective or private investment from domestic parties.
Energy management principles: 
All mineral resources, under land and water within the territory of the Lao PDR are the property of the national community and under centralized and unified management by the State. The State applies a policy of promotion towards persons and organizations both domestic and foreign in efficiently preserving and developing mineral resources.
Energy institutional structures: 
Mining management and control agencies include : 1. Ministry of Industry-Handicraft; 2. Province, Municipality or special zone Industry-Handicraft Services; 3. District, Industry-Handicraft Offices; 4. Village administrative authorities.