Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
President of The Lao People's Democratic Republic
Overall Summary: 
The Water and Water Resources Law was issued in 1996 and it "determines necessary Principles, rules, and measures relative to the administration, exploitation, use and development of water and water resources in the Lao people's Democratic Republic to preserve sustainable water and water resources and to ensure volume and quality providing for people 's living requirements, promoting agriculture, forestry, and industry, developing the national souci-economy and ensuring that no damage is caused to the environment."
Energy-water nexus: 
The use of water in the production of electrical power and irrigation shall be specifically regulated. --- The Government promotes the development and the use of water resources in the production of large, medium, and small scale electrical power at water sources where there are [suitable] conditions for the production of electrical power. Use of water resources must refer to capacity and impact where there are conditions conducive to the construction of many [hydro] electric dams or the construction of multi-purpose[hydro]electric dams which are planned for the same waterway. In the building of a [hydro]electric dam, reference must be made to preserving the origins of water, forests, the environment, prevention of flooding, Water supply, irrigation water communications, fishing, raising fish, marine animals, etc.
National policy structure: 
The use of water in the production of electrical power and irrigation shall be specifically regulated.