Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Other
Issued by: 
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Overall Summary: 
The RMI National Strategic Plan, (NSP) is an instrument, which provides for the RMI development strategies for the three year period 2015–2017. The NSP of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) was developed through a collaborative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector. The NSP provides for the development of strategies for the three year period 2015–2017 towards self-sustainability and efficiency. This will be achieved through enhanced access to energy, renewable energy in outer islands and energy efficiency, including the development of a building code. It was developed through a collaborative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector. It represents a roadmap for government leaders for development and progress in the medium term (2015–2017). ---Note: MEC (Marshalls Energy Company).
Energy access priorities: 
National Development Themes: Ensuring outer islands populations receive access to all necessary services allowing all RMI citizens to enjoy a high quality of life: National Goals: [...] energy security: - Access to all necessary and relevant services in a timely and cost effective manner; - Infrastructure security (access to all relevant infrastructure).
EE priorities: 
National Goals: Oil and conventional energy resources used efficiently.
EE action plans: 
---Development Objectives: Continue to Implement the MEC Comprehensive Recovery Program:  Minimize power network distribution losses[...].
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
National Goals: Alternative energy resources developed.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Through the Focus on Five Key Energy Sectors (RMI Energy Policy) Provide Clean, Reliable, Affordable, Accessible, Environmentally Appropriate and Sustainable Energy Services. ---Development objectives: Continue to Implement the MEC Petroleum Program: To develop high [...] environment [...] response standards through upgraded facilities and skilled and competent people.
Energy pricing: 
Continue to Implement the MEC Petroleum Program:  To develop effective mechanisms for fair import prices of petroleum fuels and equitable pricing of fuel products throughout the RMI.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
National Development Themes: Building a sound infrastructure that provides energy, environmental, infrastructure [...] security for all atolls.---National Goals: [...]  Infrastructure security (access to all relevant infrastructure). ---Development Objectives: Continue to Implement the MEC Comprehensive Recovery Program:  Minimize power network distribution losses  Continue the ongoing rehabilitation of Majuro Power Plant  Continue the ongoing rehabilitation of the Tank Farm. ---Development objectives: Continue to Implement the MEC Petroleum Program:  To develop and assure high quality fuel products, their storage and their transportation within the RMI.
Energy management principles: 
National Goals: [...] energy security:  Access to all necessary and relevant services in a timely and cost effective manner ---Continue to Implement the MEC Comprehensive Recovery Program:  Minimize power network distribution losses.
National policy structure: 
National Targets: [...] energy and Information Communications Technology policies focus on national issues
R&D renewable energy: 
National Goals: Alternative energy resources developed.