Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Overall Summary: 
The Vision 2018 is the first segment of RMI's Strategic Development Plan for the following 15 years. It incorporates the broad Vision of RMI as to where RMI would like to be in the year 2018 in terms of sustainable development. In particular, it favors the creation of policies for renewable energy development and for the efficient use of energy. In this document, the Vision supports long term goals, objectives and strategies, emerged through a consultative process.
Energy access action plan: 
The provision of better access to energy is another area in which strategies have been identified. There are ongoing efforts to provide diesel-generated electricity in the sub-centers such as Wolje and Jaluit. These efforts will be continued based on future demand and viability.
EE action plans: 
Energy effIcient policies will be designed and implemented. ---The Building Code will include provisions aimed at ensuring greater energy conservation.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
In regard to energy, programs will be implemented to provide both diesels generated electricity such as well as soIar generated electricity based on their respective viability. ---An intensive effort wilI be made to facilitate more use of renewable energy in all the Outer Islands in partnership with all strata of our society.
RE action plans: 
[...] a program will be implemented to expand the use of solar energy in the Outer Islands.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The development of sustainable energy sources for the use of local fishers is another strategy that the Plan has taken into account.
Energy-water nexus: 
Strategies aimed at improving access to clean water will be implemented. These include: increasing the number of solar energy based reverse osmosis and distribution systems.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Objective 1. To provide reliable and affordable infrastructure in the areas of [...] energy.
Energy management principles: 
In regard to energy, programs will be implemented to provide both diesels generated electricity as well as soIar generated electricity based on their respective viability.
National policy structure: 
Energy effIcient policies will be designed and implemented.