Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Основы ценообразования в области регулируемых цен (тарифов) в электроэнергетике (в ред. 19.01.2022 г.)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable
Issued by: 
Government of the Russian Federation
No official English version available
Overall Summary: 
The Federal Law on Electric Power Sector of the Russian Federation establishes an all-encompassing legal framework for the regulation of national electricity sector. Giving due priority to the price stability target, the Decree takes further steps towards strengthening regulatory control over tariff setting (retail and wholesale electricity markets). The policy elaborates on the basic price–setting methodology, specifies the functions of relevant authorities and agencies mandated with implementation of the envisaged policy measures. The Decree - initially adopted in 2011 - was amended by a series of Government Decrees (see the list of amending documents below).
Renewable Energy
Mandatory connection: 
Art. 33 (1) provides for mandatory connection of renewable energy power generating plants. Price determination: the minimum and maximum tariff rates shall be set for renewable power on a long-term basis. ----- The policy refers to the Rules for Qualification of Renewable Energy Facilities (Government Decree №426 of 3 June 2008).
Energy pricing: 
Art. 2. Effective April 1, 2012, tariff regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation shall set electricity rates for retail electricity markets with no respect to price zones. Tariff calculation methodology shall be based on indicative electricity rates and estimates (methodology developed for constituent entities of the federation) for generation and supply of electric power provided by the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation. ----- Art. 1. It is underscored that boiler tariffs for electricity supply shall not exceed the rates of 2011 (set by Art. 9 of the Government Decree №1172 of 27 December 2010). ----- Art. 3 provides for the regulation of activities carried out by regional grid operators making focus on electricity transmission and distribution services. ----- Art. 3.1. stipulates that tariff setting for grid operators of constituent entities of the federation regulated in the first two quarters of 2012 based on return on investment methodology, prior to October, 15 2012 shall be subject to revision. ----- Art. 30 (1). The tariff regulatory authority of constituent entities shall publish information on electricity transmission tariffs set for grid operators on its official Internet website. ----- Art. 81 (3) (additional detailed data is provided in Annexes 5 and 6) elaborates on cross-subsidization methodology. The policy provides for the minimum and maximum cross-subsidization rates subject to regulation by the present policy document and art. 8 of the Federal Law on Electric Power Sector (2003).
National policy structure: 
The policy builds on provisions and largely reiterates the principles of the Federal Law on Electric Power Sector (concerning tariff determination, cross-subsidization, promotion of renewable sources of energy, etc).