Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Department of Transportation, Communications and Infrastructure
Overall Summary: 
The Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) was prepared in 2004. It assesses the current state of infrastructure in nine sectors: electrical power, water/wastewater, solid waste management, roads and pedestrian facilities, maritime transportation, air transportation, education, health and government buildings and develops a program and budget over the period FY2004-FY2023 to respond to the needs. The IDP derives from the negotiated new provisions for economic assistance under the Compact of Free Association (CFA) with the United States. As part of the new ‘sector grant’ approach, the US will provide support for infrastructure development under new and rigorous fiscal procedures. For the electric power, the planned investment is 81.1 million $.
Energy access priorities: 
Upgrade power systems to provide sufficient power to all citizens.
Energy access action plan: 
Chuuk Lagoon Electrification Master Plan: The Plan will produce outline designs for the electrification of inhabited islands of the Chuuk lagoon [...].
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Identify feasible alternative fuel sources for electricity generation.
RE action plans: 
Chuuk Lagoon Electrification Master Plan. The Plan will produce outline designs for the electrification of inhabited islands of the Chuuk lagoon. For the smaller islands, hybrid diesel/solar energy systems will be considered.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Chuuk Lagoon Electrification Master Plan. The Plan will produce outline designs for the electrification of inhabited islands of the Chuuk lagoon. For the smaller islands, hybrid diesel/solar energy systems will be considered. ---Upgrade power systems to provide sufficient power to all citizens. ---New power plants developed for Pohnpei, Weno, Tonoas, Tol and small Chuuk lagoon islands during IDP period. ---Solar, diesel hybrid systems established at schools and dispensaries on outer islands.