Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Plan/Strategy
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Department of Resources and Development Division of Energy supported by the European Union and the Asian Development Bank
Overall Summary: 
The leadership of the Federated States of Micronesia acknowledged the need for the development of a National Energy Policy and Action Plans that would assist the Nation in becoming less dependent on fossil fuel and more prepared to withstand the heavily fluctuating energy prices that nearly lead the FSM into a national emergency in 2008. The policy contains two Volumes; Volume I covers the overarching policy, while Volume II contains the energy action plans. The development and finalization of the policy and action plans was completed with considerable effort by many people from the national government as well as from the four FSM states. The target is set under this policy to reach at least 30% of renewable energy share in the total energy production by 2020.
Energy access priorities: 
National Vision: To improve the life and livelihood of all FSM citizens with affordable, reliable and environmentally sound energy. ---Promote equitable availability of renewable energy in remote islands, rural areas on the main islands, and in the state centers, with socialeconomic development in mind.
Energy access action plan: 
Provision of stable and reliable power generation in Weno.
Energy access targets: 
Provision of affordable and safe electricity to all the households in the main island centers by 2015 - Electrification of 80% of rural public facilities by 2015 - Electrification of 90% of rural households by 2020. ---100% of the Outer-islands population of Yap State to be electrified by 2015 with 100% renewable energy systems. --- Electrifying 4 of the non-electrified outer-islands taking into account the order as follows: Fais (648,000), Ifalik (807,000), Lamotrek (485,000), Satawal (777,000), Faraulap (305,000), Euaripik (155,000), Elato (131,000), Ngulu (31,000), Woleai (661,000 except Falalop) Priorities are by order of population. Remoteness and logistics are also factors for consideration. The first island to be electrified is Fais as it is the closest for logistics reasons - by 2010-2011 for seven islands and 2015 for all others.
Consumer subsidies: 
Encourage the application of appropriate support and incentives to enable disadvantaged and/or geographically remote communities to access affordable energy.
EE priorities: 
To become less dependent on imported sources of energy by having [...] (2) cross-sectoral energy conservation and (3) efficiency standards in place [...]. ---Improve energy conservation and efficiency in all sectors of the economy and society.
EE targets: 
Enhance the supply side energy efficiency of the FSM utilities by 20% by 2015 and increase the overall energy efficiency by 50% by 2020.--- State Pohnpei: [...] regulate energy efficiency by implementing conservation measurements that lead to a energy saving of 30%.
EE action plans: 
Introduce demand side management programs for enhancing energy efficiency and conservation so as to reduce the energy consumption in government facilities, residential and commercial buildings, industry, agriculture and forestry.--- Introduce and adopt building energy codes.---An energy rating system for public buildings will be developed and used starting in 2011 -Initiate an Energy Rating system for Government office buildings - Develop a Building Energy Performance Directive.---The Government will encourage developers to adopt a set of energy standards well above those prescribed by law within the code of building regulations (2011-2015).---An increased share of appropriate renewable energy deliverables in Pohnpei State’s energy supply.---The national government will strongly support and adopt the Energy Star initiative in FSM to promote energy efficiency in office equipment (2010-2015).---Reduce fuel consumption at Yap power plant.---LED street lighting pilot project.---Energy audits jointly conducted by YSPSC staff, Government’s buildings’ staff including all the agencies to determine the right monthly amount of kWh that should be used in each building with the required comfort.---Implement a comprehensive Energy efficiency Program for Kosrae.---Public bodies are required to purchase only energy efficient lighting from fiscal year 2011 forward.---By installing or replacing lighting in national government buildings only energy star rated lights and fixtures will be used. - by 2011-2012. ---All the street and security lights in National Government facilities will have to be energy efficient - by 2011-2012. All air conditioning systems will be required to be regularly inspected by trained experts to ensure that they operate to maximum energy efficiency by 2010-2011.---National Government agencies are required to procure energy-efficient products by 2010-2013.---Reduce fuel consumption at Yap power plant.
EE standards for appliances: 
All air conditioning systems will be required to be regularly inspected by trained experts to ensure that they operate to maximum energy efficiency. The room or office temperature should be no less than 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C).
EE building standards: 
Developers of any new government building must perform an energy efficiency feasibility assessment while incorporating renewable energy resources for that structure.---A program must be implemented, offering support to developers to build both residential and commercial buildings with an energy performance standard of at least 60% above that required in the current Building Regulations.
EE financial incentives: 
Promote appropriate incentives (including taxes, subsidies and tariffs) to encourage efficient energy use and minimization of waste.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Increase training and public awareness on renewable energy and fuels for vehicles, energy efficiency, and conservation through publicity campaigns and school curricula.---Encourage co-operation in energy efficiency and conservation programs amongst the private sector, consumers and governments, by increasing public awareness and improving access to information.---“Save and Gain Campaign” initiative, a new element of the National Energy Efficiency Campaign, to promote an understanding of the need for efficient energy use in the workplace.---Nationwide EE Awareness Campaign– Power for All. This will address the need for efficient energy use in the home through the National Energy Efficiency Awareness Campaign - Power for All. ---Newsletter and policy directives to instill energy conversation measures and best energy efficient appliances available on the local market (or necessary to introduce in Yap) / twice every year as minimum.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
To become less dependent on imported sources of energy by having (1) an increased share of renewable energy sources [...]. ---Promote the increased use of renewable energy technologies in all sectors of society and strive to meet national and state-level renewable energy targets. ---Promote equitable availability of renewable energy in remote islands, rural areas on the main islands, and in the state centers, with socialeconomic development in mind.
RE targets: 
By 2020 the share of renewable energy sources will be at least 30% of total energy production.---10% RE by 2015 (in preparation of 50%) for Yap Main island: Replace 10% of present diesel electricity consumption by electricity produced by renewable energy sources Such as wind energy (1.1 MW) photovoltaic solar energy (400kWp) by 2015.---100% of the Outer-islands population of Yap State to be electrified by 2015 with 100% renewable energy systems. ---Minimum three wind turbines installed by 2015. ---10% RE by 2015 (in preparation of 50%) for Lagoon islands: Replace 10% of present diesel electricity consumption by electricity produced by renewable energy sources Such as wind energy (1-2 MW) photovoltaic solar energy (450kWp) by 2015.---10% RE by 2015 (in preparation of 50%) for Weno island: Replace 10% of present diesel electricity consumption by electricity produced by renewable energy sources Such as wind energy (1.1 MW) photovoltaic solar energy (400kWp) by 2015.
RE action plans: 
Implement all State Action Plans and the National Action Plan aimed at reducing overall fossil fuel imports and greenhouse gas emissions and strive to meet national and state renewable energy targets.---Promote the effective management of both grid-connected and stand-alone renewable-based power systems.---Encourage implementation and markets for environmentally clean technologies and alternative fuels for transportation by using non-fossil fuels and other power sources in both new and existing vehicles.---Yap PV solar grid tied-systems to be installed on government and administration buildings up to 240 kWp.---Electrify government Facilities in Chuuk State using Alternative Energy by having a renewable energy sources contributing to the total energy mix.---State of Kosrea: Reduction of fuel usage in production of power through increased usage of Solar PV system.---Establish opportunities for better access to renewable energy technologies through the provision of incentives and the removal of barriers and constraints to sustainable energy sector development.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Establish opportunities for better access to renewable energy technologies through the provision of incentives and the removal of barriers and constraints to sustainable energy sector development.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Increase training and public awareness on renewable energy and fuels for vehicles, energy efficiency, and conservation through publicity campaigns and school curricula.---Assist in the development and implementation of public awareness campaigns supporting renewable energy expansion geared toward key stakeholders within the FSM, including NGOs, business sector, governments and utilities, state and national legislatures and the general public.
Energy environmental priorities: 
National Vision: To improve the life and livelihood of all FSM citizens with affordable, reliable and environmentally sound energy.---Integrate environmental concerns and regulations into all energy-related plans and projects, including transportation, power supply, and building codes.---Promote proper alignment with policies that are and will be developed in the future, including policies in the field of environment and climate change; Review this Energy Policy in light of these policies.
Pollution control action plans: 
Promote the collection, transportation, and environmentally responsible re-use, disposal, or removal of waste oil and other petroleum by-products to minimize adverse impacts on soil, ground water, and near shore fisheries.---[...] promote the use of appropriate technologies to reduce the emissions of green house gas and other pollutants from conventional energy at the supply and demand side.
Energy-water nexus: 
Promote the collection, transportation, and environmentally responsible re-use, disposal, or removal of waste oil and other petroleum by-products to minimize adverse impacts on soil, ground water, and near shore fisheries.---Minimize Water and Waste Water systems electric consumption.---In depth reassessment of feasibility of hydro power potential development of all Mini and Micro Hydropower Plant schemes including Lehnmesi and Senpehn rivers for power generation.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
Phase out government subsidies on the purchase of fossil fuel for energy production.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Establish opportunities for better access to renewable energy technologies through the provision of incentives and the removal of barriers and constraints to sustainable energy sector development.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
A safe, reliable, cost-effective and sustainable energy supply;---To become less dependent on imported sources of energy by having (1) an increased share of renewable energy sources and having (2) cross-sectoral energy conservation and (3) efficiency standards in place; [...]
Energy mix: 
A diversified energy resource base, creating a balanced energy mix; ---By 2020 the share of renewable energy sources will be at least 30% of total energy production, [...].
Infrastructure development priorities: 
To become less dependent on imported sources of energy by having (1) an increased share of renewable energy sources [...]. ---Reduce fuel consumption at Yap power plant.---Replacement and upgrade of the High Voltage bus (4.16kV) inside the plant is required since 5 years by the FSM Infrastructure Plan.---Yap PV solar grid tied-systems to be installed on government and administration buildings up to 240 kWp.---Establish dual electrification systems for PV solar and conventional energy in the outer-islands already electrified: - Ulithi-Mogmog hybrid solar-diesel - Ulithi-Falalop dual solar-diesel - Woleai-Falalop dual solar-diesel.---1.5MW (continuous rating i.e. equivalent 1.8MW prime) high speed generator to be purchased and installed by 2011.---State Pohnpei New power plant that provides efficient and reliable electricity to all end-users in Weno.---Kosrea: To build an operational Sea Wave Power Plant with a capacity of 4 MW.
Regional integration priorities: 
Work closely together with other Pacific island countries to collect and disseminate information on fuel demand, regional fuel prices, and related issues.---Work with the other North Pacific Island States toward regional fuel purchasing, thereby enhancing economies of scale and reduced costs to governments and consumers.
Energy trade priorities: 
Regional bulk purchase, centralized storage and coordination to secure and obtain efficiency by 2015.---Work with the other North Pacific Island States toward regional fuel purchasing, thereby enhancing economies of scale and reduced costs to governments and consumers.---Improve the competitiveness of petroleum supply and support a national approach to negotiations with suppliers.
Independent power producers: 
Enhance public-private partnerships and expand private sector participation, investment, ownership, and management for energy supply including electricity generation, transmission and distribution with job creation in mind. ---Establish an enabling and competitive environment for the introduction of independent energy providers where these may provide efficient, reliable, and affordable service to consumers.
Investment climate development: 
Establish an enabling and competitive environment for the introduction of independent energy providers where these may provide efficient, reliable, and affordable service to consumers.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Enhance public-private partnerships and expand private sector participation, investment, ownership, and management for energy supply including electricity generation, transmission and distribution with job creation in mind.---Encourage co-operation in energy efficiency and conservation programs amongst the private sector, consumers and governments, by increasing public awareness and improving access to information.---Assist the private sector to improve their energy management through the Energy MAP initiative.
Energy management principles: 
Enhance the supply side energy efficiency of the FSM utilities by 20% by 2015. ---Improve adequate and institutional capacity to plan, manage, and develop the energy sector by providing appropriate energy-related training opportunities at all educational and professional levels. ---Promote involvement and input from nongovernment organizations and local communities, including youth and women, in policy implementation and integrated planning. ---Implement all State Action Plans and the National Action Plan aimed at reducing overall fossil fuel imports and greenhouse gas emissions and strive to meet national and state renewable energy targets.
National policy structure: 
Revise the National Energy Policy as needed to ensure it is up-to-date and maintains aggressive but achievable outcomes.---Promote the development of a National Energy Bill that addresses the reduction of fossil fuel import and green house gas emissions in line with this Energy Policy. ---Integrate environmental concerns and regulations into all energy-related plans and projects, including transportation, power supply, and building codes.---Promote proper alignment with policies that are and will be developed in the future, including policies in the field of environment and climate change; Review this Energy Policy in light of these policies.---Develop a Building Energy Performance Directive.---Develop an Energy Management Action Plan. ---Newsletter and policy directives to instill energy conversation measures and best energy efficient appliances available on the local market (or necessary to introduce in Yap) / twice every year as minimum
Energy institutional structures: 
Ensure every State has an Energy Coordinator, who is part of the State Energy Workgroup [...].
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
Set-up an information desk and website that supports the networking and exchange of best energy efficiency practices by the energy users through the Association of Micronesian Utilities (AMU) by 2010.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Develop timely a reliable nationwide energy statistic database for effective and fact-finding planning, monitoring and evaluation -by 2010-2012.
Statistics collection and management: 
Develop timely a reliable nationwide energy statistic database for effective and fact-finding planning, monitoring and evaluation -by 2010-2012.
Public database availability: 
As part of the Nationwide Energy Sector a centralized energy database will be developed and managed by the Department of Resources and Development - Energy Division.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Encourage implementation and markets for environmentally clean technologies and alternative fuels for transportation by using non-fossil fuels and other power sources in both new and existing vehicles.---[...] promote the use of appropriate technologies to reduce the emissions of green house gas and other pollutants from conventional energy at the supply and demand side.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
- Accelerate research and development of energy technologies that are appropriate for adoption within the nation and facilitate international transfers of appropriate technologies that the nation is capable of operating and maintaining.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Establish opportunities for better access to renewable energy technologies through the provision of incentives and the removal of barriers and constraints to sustainable energy sector development.---Accelerate research and development of energy technologies that are appropriate for adoption within the nation [...].---To provide support to the four FSM states by initiating, funding and conducting nation-wide energy studies that can lead to energy enhanced projects.
R&D renewable energy: 
To provide support to the four FSM states by initiating, funding and conducting nation-wide energy studies that can lead to energy enhanced projects. (Wind studies  Waste characterization study and Waste-to-Energy feasibility study  Wave and Ocean Energy Technology  Bio fuel including Bio diesel using coconut oil feasibility study)---Waste characterizing study and a feasibility study for waste to energy production. ---Gather enough data to start a more in depth study and a wind pilot project.---In depth reassessment of feasibility of hydro power potential development of all Mini and Micro Hydropower Plant schemes including Lehnmesi and Senpehn rivers for power generation.
R&D energy efficiency: 
National Government agencies are required to procure energy-efficient products. R&D will produce purchasing specifications to help National Government comply with these procurement requirements - (2010-2013).