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Тип документа: 
Rule/Regulation, Other
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Виды энергоресурсов: 
Department of Energy
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
These rules and regulations comprise the general provisions to be followed in respect of the Transmission, Distribution and Supply of Natural Gas.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Policy of the State: Promote Natural Gas as an environment-friendly [...] source of energy for the country [...].
Energy pricing: 
The approved price for any sale of Natural Gas should be tied to the volume and energy value [...]. In particular, (a) pricing for domestic and commercial sales may be on volume basis unless otherwise agreed to by the contracting parties and (b) pricing for industrial and power Customers shall be based on the energy value of Natural Gas.---The following guiding principles are hereby adopted for pricing: a) Prices of Transmission, Distribution and supply of Natural Gas to Customers will be regulated until such time that the Secretary of Energy determines that the markets for such products and/or services are effectively competitive. b) The energy value of Natural Gas sold to consumers shall likewise be regulated. c) Prices of products and/or services in competitive markets shall be deregulated.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Promote Natural Gas as an environment-friendly and economically efficient source of energy for the country by creating conditions for the establishment of a Natural Gas industry that will enable the country to achieve greater energy self-sufficiency and at the same time serve the interests of the broad variety of industry participants including Customers, Gas Distribution Utilities, Gas Transmission Utilities, operators of Transmission- and/or Distribution related Facilities and Suppliers.
Investment climate development: 
Policy of the State: Facilitate the participation of the private sector in the Natural Gas industry. [...] Promote competition by liberalizing entry into the industry and by adopting pro-competition and fair trade measures with due regard to the financial viability of industry participants.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Policy of the State: Facilitate the participation of the private sector in the Natural Gas industry.[...]Promote competition by liberalizing entry into the industry and by adopting pro-competition and fair trade measures with due regard to the financial viability of industry participants.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
[...] the DOE shall have the overall responsibility of supervising and regulating the development and operation of the Natural Gas industry [...].
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Policy of the State: Promote Natural Gas as an environment-friendly [...] source of energy for the country [...].