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Ministry of Power
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
Ministry of Power Notification No. S.O. 290(E) of 2014 specifies energy consumption standard for the motor vehicle of petrol or diesel or liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas, used for the carriage of passengers and their luggage and comprising not more than nine seats including driver’s seat, and of Gross Vehicle Weight not exceeding 3,500 kilogram tested on chassis dynamometer (hereinafter referred to as the said motor vehicle) for the purpose of manufacturing or importing for sale of the said category of motor vehicles.
EE transport standards : 
(1) Each manufacturer of [...] motor vehicles shall comply with energy consumption standard in terms of Average Fuel Consumption Standards [...]. --- Compliance and enforcement.- All the manufacturers or importers selling the said motor vehicles in India shall comply with the energy consumption standards specified above.