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Government of New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
Сводный обзор: 
NGAs are a key component of New Zealand's climate change policy package. They are conceived for firms or industries that, as a result of an emissions charge, face significant risk to their competitiveness relative to producers in countries with less stringent climate change policies. Under an NGA firms would receive a full or partial exemption from the emissions charge in exchange for moving towards world’s best practice in emissions management. This document provides for: Eligibility Criteria for NGA applicants; - Key components of an NGA; and - Institutional arrangements for assessing eligibility and negotiating agreements.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Emissions intensity targets will, where possible, be based on World’s Best Practice (as modified to what is technically and economically feasible in the New Zealand context) as forecast over the duration of the agreement;
Decarbonization strategy: 
NGA policy is a subset of the Government’s overall climate change policy which has as its objective “that NZ make significant greenhouse gas reductions on business as usual and be set toward a permanent downward path for total gross emissions by 2012”. The most effective tool to achieving this will be a broad based tax emissions charge.
Carbon markets: 
NGA policy is a subset of the Government’s overall climate change policy which has as its objective “that NZ make significant greenhouse gas reductions on business as usual and be set toward a permanent downward path for total gross emissions by 2012”. The most effective tool to achieving this will be a broad based tax emissions charge.
Carbon tax: 
NGA policy is a subset of the Government’s overall climate change policy which has as its objective “that NZ make significant greenhouse gas reductions on business as usual and be set toward a permanent downward path for total gross emissions by 2012”. The most effective tool to achieving this will be a broad based tax emissions charge. ---NGAs be limited to firms or industries that, as a result of an emissions charge, face significant risk to their competitiveness relative to producers in countries with less stringent climate change policies.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Purpose 1 This paper seeks confirmation, following public consultation, of NGA policy including: - Eligibility Criteria for NGA applicants; - Key components of an NGA; and - Institutional arrangements for assessing eligibility and negotiating agreements.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
A key component of the Government’s climate change policy package is NGAs for firms or industries that as a result of an emissions charge face significant risk to their competitiveness relative to producers in countries with less stringent climate change policies. Under an NGA firms would receive a full or partial exemption from the emissions charge in exchange for moving towards world’s best practice in emissions management.