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Power Division Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan (EECMP) is a supreme plan of Bangladesh’s initiative on energy efficiency and conservation, of which preparation requirement is stipulated in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules (2014). Under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan, three EE&C programs will be promoted, namely, Energy Management Program, EE Labeling Program and EE Buildings Program, which will be targeted at large energy consuming entities and equipment in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors.---Note: DCs Designated large energy consumers; BNBC Bangladesh National Building Code; EE&C Energy Efficiency &Conservation; MOHPW Ministry of Housing & Public Works; EGCB Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh; SREDA Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Ongoing: Improved Cook Stove Program
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
[T]he Government must strive ahead with the promotion of EE&C, to urge the general public to lead energy efficient, non-energy wasting and most productive lives.---It is important for the Government, [...], to facilitate the installment, execution and proliferation of EE&C Programs as well as to create the momentum to promote energy saving activities among all the general public through EE awareness-raising activities.--- [I]mprovement of energy efficiency and conservation in the industrial sector is the highest priority issue.
EE targets: 
The Government aims to improve energy intensity (national primary energy consumption per gross domestic product/GDP) in 2030 by 20% compared to the 2013 level: A total of 95 million toe (113 billion m3 of gas equivalent) is expected to be saved in the period.---[B]y 2021, when gas and power supply shortage is expected, 15% reduction of primary energy consumption per GDP is to be achieved.--- Industrial: Achieve global best energy potential by 2025; Building: Achieve global best energy potential by 2025; Residential: Replace high efficient appliances by 2020 and introduce highest efficient appliances by 2030.
EE action plans: 
The EECMP is a supreme plan of Bangladesh’s initiative on energy efficiency and conservation, [...]. The Plan declares Bagladesh’s unyielding commitment for EE&C implementation to our people and to the world. Under the EECMP, all the policies, programs, legal documents (Act, Rules, Regulations, Circulars or Standards etc.) and frameworks are to be established. ---Under this EE&C Master Plan, three EE&C programs will be promoted, namely, Energy Management Program, EE Labeling Program and EE Buildings Program, which will be targeted at large energy consuming entities and equipment in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors.---EE&C actions are to be taken by all the people and establishments, including governmental organizations and private sectors.---The EECMP shows our country’s commitment for EE&C implementation declaring to the people and also to the world. Therefore, clear EE&C targets and roles and responsibility of all parties should be focused.---We must establish energy consumption data collection mechanism, in order to monitor our country’s energy consumption accurately.---Energy consumers will implement energy audits for their facilities or buildings periodically[...].----Designated large energy consumers” (DCs) are obligated to conduct “energy management” in their factories and/or buildings, in order to implement EE&C measures[...].---GBG (Green Building Guideline) is a voluntary program and is developing as a guideline for the design and construction of upper-grade EE&C and low environment impact buildings rather than the buildings under BNBC [Revised]. The objects of GBG are office, rental & mercantile (shopping mall), residential, hospital, school and hotel in new large scale projects by both public and private sectors. [...].
EE standards for appliances: 
In order to provide energy efficiency data of home appliances to customers, it is effective to construct a “product EE database”, which shows not only energy efficiency and stars in label, but also capacity, size, performance and other product information. The database should be maintained by SREDA.---Please, see Table 3.5-7 for Targeted Introduction Ratio of EE Labeling by Appliance
EE building standards: 
Provisions of EE&C requirements in BNBC [Revised] consist of minimum requirement, standard specification and recommendations on the design and construction method. Table 3.6-1 shows outline of the requirement. Please seeTable 3.6-1 for EE&C Requirement Issues in BNBC [Revised].---In order to encourage proper and effective EE&C implementation in BNBC [Revised]., EE&C building manual for local governments, building owners and users, designers and constructors, will be developed and published by MOHPW, in the initial BNBC [Revised] implementation stage.---GBG (Green Building Guideline) is a voluntary program and is developing as a guideline for the design and construction of upper-grade EE&C and low environment impact buildings rather than the buildings under BNBC [Revised]. The objects of GBG are office, rental & mercantile (shopping mall), residential, hospital, school and hotel in new large scale projects by both public and private sectors. [...].
EE financial incentives: 
[T]he Government considers it important to provide EE Finance Program to raise EE awareness among the power end users and boost their investments in EE products. Financial incentives such as loan interest loans, subsides and preferential tax will be provided to lessen the financial burden (initial cots) of end users who will purchase high energy efficient electric appliances and industrial equipment.---EE&C Promotional Loan Program, low-interest loan program, will be implemented by setting goals below: 1. Promotion of the nationwide adoption, execution and proliferation of EE&C programs such as energy management, EE equipment/ appliance labeling and EE building program. 2. Creation of new markets for investments in (a) industrial sector EE&C , (b) EE equipment/ appliances and (c) green buildings. [...] The primary beneficiaries of each program are large energy consuming establishments, wholesaler/distributors/ manufacturers, building owners and developers. ---Please, see Table 3.7-3 EE&C Finance Program Roadmap for details.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
The Government will initially lead and take a responsibility for the capacity development and awareness raising on the EE&C policies/programs for all the stakeholders. Considering the importance of EE&C for our country, however, such roles are to be also taken by relevant private sectors, NPO/NGO and individuals in the long run.
Cooperation in EE: 
[R]egional and/or worldwide discussion to harmonize the standard and labeling program has started. Our country should join in this movement, analyzing neighboring countries’ and world trends, to establish our EE labeling program. “Mutual recognition agreement (MRA)” between other countries on EE tests must be also studied for minimizing EE testing cost.---The EECMP should mobilize donors’ access to EE&C activities. The donors are expected to communicate closely and cooperate with the Government in order to avoid duplication of their support and to create synergetic efforts.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The Government plans to develop the Matarbari Island area to build ports and facilities which allow imports of coals and liquefied natural gas (LNG) for power generations from after 2021 and 2022, respectively.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
MPEMR (Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources ) should consider EE&C, when formulating and implementing their policies even when the subjects are not concerned with energy or EE&C.
Energy institutional structures: 
MPEMR (Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources ) should formulate and implement multiple EE&C policies including voluntary program, mandatory program, financial program, informational program, environmental assessment and provision of infrastructure, in coordination with the necessary mandates.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Periodical monitoring and data collection of indicators on the energy consumption in various sectors are key factors of success in the EE&C implementation. The web-based information collecting mechanism proposed under this EECMP will ensure the smooth data accumulation for enabling the appropriate PDCA cycle of the entire EE&C policies.
Statistics collection and management: 
DCs are obligated to report their annual energy consumption and EE&C actions to SREDA. SREDA is developing “Periodical Energy Consumption Reporting System (PRS)”. ---In order to provide energy efficiency data of home appliances to customers, it is effective to construct a “product EE database”, which shows not only energy efficiency and stars in label, but also capacity, size, performance and other product information. The database should be maintained by SREDA.