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The Energy Ministers of Member Economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
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Сводный обзор: 
This Ministerials Declaration was issued by the Energy Ministers of Member Economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), who convened in Cebu, Philippines on October 13, 2015, in support of the theme “Towards an Energy Resilient APEC Community.” The Declaration states that there is a priority for APEC Member Countries to achieve a sustainable development of energy resources in the Region, through a.o. phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, promotion of interconnectivity among the Region, Public Private Partnerships, development of clean technologies including the promotion of cooperation among countries to reach the different objectives. ---Note: Experts’ Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEE&C).
Energy access priorities: 
[W]e affirm the importance of energy resiliency in promoting energy security and sustainable development and providing access to the people.---A priority goal in developing a resilient APEC community will be to provide energy access to our people, including in remote communities. We note that clean energy technologies and traditional energy sources, including cleaner use of fossil fuels, are important in addressing energy access challenges.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
We encourage Member Economies to develop minimum energy performance standards in building codes and energy appliances, industrial equipment and smart metering devices. ---We also encourage Members to promote energy supply diversity and energy efficiency and to reduce barriers to energy trade and investment in advancing resilience of the energy sector.
Cooperation in EE: 
The future economic growth of the APEC region will be supported by an appropriate mix of energy resources and power generation technologies that includes both conventional and renewable energy with increasing priority for clean energy sources and enhanced energy efficiency. In this regard, we will build on synergies among the Member Economies aimed at maximizing strengths from each economy thus minimizing costs of policy implementation.---In order to meet the needs of increasing investment in green economy, we instruct the EWG to implement APEC Green Energy Finance Initiative in support of the financial sustainability of renewable energy and energy efficiency development in the region.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
We will strive to attain APEC’s aspirational goal of doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including in power generation, from 2010 levels by 2030.
Cooperation in RE: 
The future economic growth of the APEC region will be supported by an appropriate mix of energy resources and power generation technologies that includes both conventional and renewable energy with increasing priority for clean energy sources and enhanced energy efficiency. In this regard, we will build on synergies among the Member Economies aimed at maximizing strengths from each economy thus minimizing costs of policy implementation.
Energy environmental priorities: 
We reaffirm the importance of low carbon development to achieve our individual and regional economic aspirations and goals.---We view environmental sustainability as equally important with economic prosperity, and recognize the important role of the market in providing efficient, cost-effective energy technology solutions and energy resources.
Decarbonization strategy: 
We reaffirm the importance of low carbon development to achieve our individual and regional economic aspirations and goals.---We commend the significant progress of the APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Project where the concept and the indicators for APEC Low-Carbon Town are being developed.---We reaffirm the APEC Leaders’ commitment, and welcome ongoing initiatives of Member Economies, to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption while providing energy access to those in need. We are committed to make substantive progress toward this goal in the medium term. We commend Peru and New Zealand for completing voluntary peer reviews, and the Philippines, Viet Nam, and Chinese Taipei for volunteering to initiate peer reviews. We encourage the exchange of best practices and capacity building efforts to facilitate fossil fuel subsidy reform.---In transitioning to a low-carbon economy we will explore the contribution of clean energy technologies and energy efficient initiatives in the transport and power sectors. These may include biofuels, civil nuclear power for interested Member Economies, advanced coal technologies, liquefied natural gas (LNG), solar, wind, and marine energy technologies.
Green finance: 
In order to meet the needs of increasing investment in green economy, we instruct the EWG to implement APEC Green Energy Finance Initiative in support of the financial sustainability of renewable energy and energy efficiency development in the region.
Energy-water nexus: 
Cognizant that the energy-water nexus is an important aspect of our collective energy resiliency, it is important that we understand the interdependence of these resources, determine vulnerabilities and strengthen our response to anticipated changes exacerbated by climate change. [...].
Cooperation in env.: 
Cognizant that most energy-poverty stricken areas possess potential to be developed as tourist destinations, we instruct the EWG to work with the APEC Tourism Working Group to come up with an energy eco-tourism development framework.
Fossil fuel subsidies: 
We reaffirm the APEC Leaders’ commitment, and welcome ongoing initiatives of Member Economies, to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption while providing energy access to those in need. We are committed to make substantive progress toward this goal in the medium term. We commend Peru and New Zealand for completing voluntary peer reviews, and the Philippines, Viet Nam, and Chinese Taipei for volunteering to initiate peer reviews. We encourage the exchange of best practices and capacity building efforts to facilitate fossil fuel subsidy reform.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
We reaffirm the APEC Leaders’ commitment, and welcome ongoing initiatives of Member Economies, to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption while providing energy access to those in need. We are committed to make substantive progress toward this goal in the medium term. We commend Peru and New Zealand for completing voluntary peer reviews, and the Philippines, Viet Nam, and Chinese Taipei for volunteering to initiate peer reviews. We encourage the exchange of best practices and capacity building efforts to facilitate fossil fuel subsidy reform.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
[W]e affirm the importance of energy resiliency in promoting energy security and sustainable development and providing access to the people. This includes in particular, the ability and quality of energy infrastructure to withstand extreme natural and man-made disasters, to recover and return to normal conditions in a timely and efficient manner and to build back better.
Regional integration priorities: 
We recognize that natural gas, including pipeline and liquefied forms, plays an increasingly important role in the Asia-Pacific region, and as such, we appreciate Member Economies’ efforts to create favorable conditions for trade and investment to support a diversified, flexible and integrated natural gas market in the APEC region.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Consistent with the theme of an energy resilient APEC community we recognize the need to conduct a vulnerability assessment of existing infrastructure and evaluate current infrastructure standards. We encourage members to improve the robustness of their energy infrastructure and policy, through capacity building, sharing of information, and promoting best-practices as appropriate. ---We instruct the EWG to explore the conduct of a vulnerability assessment on energy infrastructure given natural and man-made disasters in the region, in coordination with the Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG) and other relevant APEC fora and international organizations.
Energy trade priorities: 
We also encourage Members to promote energy supply diversity and energy efficiency and to reduce barriers to energy trade and investment in advancing resilience of the energy sector.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
We further instruct the EWG to work with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the SME Working Group in developing a multi-year approach crucial to stimulate energy investments based on shared interest and mutual benefits
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
In order to meet the needs of increasing investment in green economy, we instruct the EWG to implement APEC Green Energy Finance Initiative in support of the financial sustainability of renewable energy and energy efficiency development in the region.
Investment climate development: 
We also encourage Members to promote energy supply diversity and energy efficiency and to reduce barriers to energy trade and investment in advancing resilience of the energy sector.---We reaffirm the importance of promoting energy trade and investment frameworks to regional energy security and to sustainable economic growth.---We recognize that natural gas, including pipeline and liquefied forms, plays an increasingly important role in the Asia-Pacific region, and as such, we appreciate Member Economies’ efforts to create favorable conditions for trade and investment to support a diversified, flexible and integrated natural gas market in the APEC region.
Public Private Partnerships: 
We recognize the importance of the private sector in meeting the APEC region’s future energy demand and infrastructure needs. We encourage Member Economies, in cooperation with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), to continue to foster and nurture public-private partnerships that will encourage the adoption of appropriate standards for critical energy infrastructure.---We encourage Member Economies to adopt Public-Private Partnership to strengthen energy infrastructure development and connectivity, such as oil and natural gas pipelines, grid transmission and interconnection highways, LNG facilities, smart grids and distributed energy systems to boost trade and investment among Member Economies.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
We reaffirm the importance of promoting energy trade and investment frameworks to regional energy security and to sustainable economic growth. We also reaffirm the importance of competitive and innovative markets in providing the APEC region with commercially viable and sustainable energy resources and clean energy technology solutions. ---We further instruct the EWG to work with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the SME Working Group in developing a multi-year approach crucial to stimulate energy investments based on shared interest and mutual benefits.
National policy structure: 
We encourage members to improve the robustness of their energy infrastructure and policy, through capacity building, sharing of information, and promoting best-practices as appropriate.
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
To capitalize on the potential of LNG and to respond to the new picture of energy supply and demand, we instruct EWG to strengthen dialogues on establishing a proper, transparent and flexible LNG trading system under the APEC Regional LNG Trade Facilitation Initiative,
Clean energy technology priorities: 
We also reaffirm the importance of competitive and innovative markets in providing the APEC region with commercially viable and sustainable energy resources and clean energy technology solutions.---We instruct the EWG through the EGEE&C in collaboration with appropriate organizations to undertake an analysis of available energy efficient technologies. This will guide Member Economies to pursue the most cost-effective technology for all energy consuming sectors according to their unique circumstances. ---In transitioning to a low-carbon economy we will explore the contribution of clean energy technologies and energy efficient initiatives in the transport and power sectors. These may include biofuels, civil nuclear power for interested Member Economies, advanced coal technologies, liquefied natural gas (LNG), solar, wind, and marine energy technologies.---We reaffirm the importance of safe and efficient development of civil nuclear power as an option to clean, high-quality and advanced modern energy [...].
Clean energy technology transfer: 
We reaffirm our commitment towards sustainable energy development in Asia Pacific region through knowledge-sharing and facilitating technology cooperation, demonstration and dissemination.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
We will sustain efforts to integrate emerging and cutting edge technologies in our economic and business processes that will significantly improve our energy utilization and optimize the use of existing energy assets and capital investments in the region.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
We recognize that natural gas, including pipeline and liquefied forms, plays an increasingly important role in the Asia-Pacific region, and as such, we appreciate Member Economies’ efforts to create favorable conditions for trade and investment to support a diversified, flexible and integrated natural gas market in the APEC region.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
[W]e reaffirm the continuation of the APEC Oil and Gas Security Initiative (OGSI) which puts forward oil and gas security exercises, network and studies.---We instruct the EWG and its related expert groups and centers to undertake research and development programs on energy sector resiliency to disasters and climate change impacts to guide APEC Member Economies to promote effective policies and institutional mechanisms including appropriate monitoring and evaluation systems.