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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Alliance of Small Island States
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Сводный обзор: 
The States participating in the global conference on sustainable development for SIDS, agreed that small island developing States should endeavour to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The Programme of Action presents a basis for action in 14 agreed priority areas and defines a number of actions and policies related to environmental and development planning that should be undertaken by small island developing States with the cooperation and assistance of the international community. I Included in the objectives of the Programme are: Promotion of efficient use of energy, development of environmentally sound sources of energy and energy-efficient technologies. Development of mechanisms for the transfer of energy technology, and establish databases to disseminate information on experience on the efficient use of new RE and non RE.
Energy access priorities: 
Provide access to environmentally sound and energy-efficient technology to assist small island developing States in conserving energy.
EE action plans: 
Provide access to environmentally sound and energy-efficient technology to assist small island developing States in conserving energy.---International Action: Develop innovative energy-efficient transport solutions to move people and cargo to and from island ports without the need to establish high-cost infrastructure.
EE transport standards : 
Continue efforts to strengthen transport services and facilities at both the national and local levels, paying particular attention to environmental protection, safety, and innovative energy efficient and low-cost transport solutions.
EE financial incentives: 
Promote the efficient use of energy and the development of environmentally sound sources of energy and energy-efficient technologies, paying special attention to the possibilities of using, where appropriate, economic instruments and incentive structures and the increasing economic possibilities of renewable sources of energy. ---International Action: Encourage international institutions and agencies, including public international financial institutions, to incorporate environmental efficiency and conservation principles into energy-sector-related projects, training and technical assistance, and, where appropriate, to provide concessionary financing facilities for energy-sector reforms.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Implement appropriate public education and awareness programmes, including consumer incentives to promote energy conservation.
Cooperation in EE: 
International Action: Encourage international institutions and agencies, including public international financial institutions, to incorporate environmental efficiency and conservation principles into energy-sector-related projects, training and technical assistance, and, where appropriate, to provide concessionary financing facilities for energy-sector reforms.
Renewable Energy
Cooperation in RE: 
Gather and disseminate information, and promote regional cooperation and technical exchanges among small island developing States on energy-sector issues, including new and renewable sources of energy.---International Action: Encourage international institutions and agencies, including public international financial institutions, to incorporate environmental efficiency and conservation principles into energy-sector-related projects, training and technical assistance, and, where appropriate, to provide concessionary financing facilities for energy-sector reforms.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Promote a more efficient use of energy resources in development planning and use appropriate methods to minimize the adverse effects of climate change on the sustainable development of those resources.
Energy-water nexus: 
Improve access to environmentally sound and energy efficient technologies for the catchment, production, conservation and delivery of freshwater, [...].
Cooperation in env.: 
International Action: (ii) Formulate and ratify international agreements on energy-sector issues in relation to sustainable development in such areas as carbon emissions and the transportation of petroleum (for example, the use of double-hulled tankers). ---International Action: Encourage international institutions and agencies, including public international financial institutions, to incorporate environmental efficiency and conservation principles into energy-sector-related projects, training and technical assistance, and, where appropriate, to provide concessionary financing facilities for energy-sector reforms.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
International Action: Encourage international institutions and agencies, including public international financial institutions, to incorporate environmental efficiency and conservation principles into energy-sector-related projects, training and technical assistance, and, where appropriate, to provide concessionary financing facilities for energy-sector reforms.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Regional action : i) Assist, where appropriate, in the formulation of energy policies, standards and guidelines for the energy sector that are applicable to small island developing States, and enhance national capacity to effectively plan, manage and monitor their energy sectors.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[P]romoting the access of small island developing States to environmentally sound and energy-efficient technology for their sustainable development.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
International Action: (iii) Develop effective mechanisms for the transfer of energy technology and establish databases to disseminate information on experience in the use of new and renewable sources of energy as well as on the efficient use of non-renewable energy sources.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
International Action: Develop effective and efficient ways of utilizing, disposing of, recycling and reducing the byproducts and waste of energy production.
R&D renewable energy: 
Establish and/or strengthen, where appropriate, research capabilities in the development and promotion of new and renewable sources of energy, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave and biomass energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion. --- Establish or strengthen research and policy capabilities in the development of new and renewable sources of energy, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave and biomass energy.
R&D energy efficiency: 
Strengthen research capabilities and develop technologies to encourage the efficient utilization of non-renewable sources of energy.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
International action (i) Support the research, development and utilization of renewable sources of energy and related technologies and improve the efficiency of existing technologies and end-use equipment based on conventional energy sources.